Why is it so fucking good bros

Why is it so fucking good bros

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Greatest guitarist of all time

Fun songs, great guitarist

Better than The Beatles

I agree. Just listen to the riff in Atomic Punk, it's proto-thrash


This needs a remaster so bad. The stereo mixing on this is godawful and makes it sound limp.

You're retarded

Such a based album

Are you referring to the 2015 remaster or the original

No I'm not a grandpa who listens to this through shitty old speakers so I can hear the guitar and bass track on opposite sides.
Both, the 2015 one didn't redo the guitar and bass on opposite sides thing. It sounds so stupid.

I've never really noticed that until now, although I don't mind it too much

1984 is better.

It's close but 1984 sounds a bit too clean, poppy (jump & i'll wait) and overproduced in comparison. I especially hate what they did to DLR's vocals on House of Pain. The demo of that song is better anyway youtube.com/watch?v=gPygqF97J9E

Everything else is prime VH though.

>listening to guitar music in 2020

>having sex in 2020

HAHAHAHAHAHA play guitar

Cuz of EVH- his tone, his rythm playing, his precision, his song writing...

Cuz of DLR- his swagger, his machismo and his screams...

Cuz of the "chemistry" between the 2 gents...they were like oil and water creating a very volatile situation which created the sparks that fueled the juggernaut

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>It sounds so stupid.
fuck that- it attests to the the power of EVH. Edward in one channel the rest of the band in the other. Its how it was and should be.

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What did Mr Roth mean by that?

bet you listen to rap like a faggot

tacky gay shit

Why so upset, it's such a fun album

yeah The Hangover is fun too

Not really an apt comparison. That movie has aged considerably while VH s/t really hasn't all that much. Nobody is saying it's an artistic masterpiece or anything

This, aside from Eddie's guitar the band's fun-loving aesthetic and sense of humor really set them apart from the onslaught of late-70s/early-80s arena bands. They didn't take themselves too seriously and kept their image and sound incredibly tight.

I heard VH called a lot of things...gay is not one of them. Are you sure you know what that word means?

Attached: DLRJD.jpg (300x208, 12.33K)

no I listen to sex noises

That was hot. Thanks for sharing.

I remember jerking off to Eddie's "Eruption" tapping

Poor Dave.


Fuck. I already know I can't watch this shit. He should just give it up.

>tacky gay shit
It is hilarious how the gay have chosen to try and "turn the tables" by using the vernacular of their so called "oppressors".

What's next, gonna post a soiboi wojack or something that looks like a mirror image of you but claim it represents Van Halen? Major kek.

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It's not. It's really not good.

Mind explaining why

For one thing, the lyrics are toxic masculine. For another, Eddie Van Halen's masturbatory guitar flexing is extremely offensive as it is basically literally no different than literally pulling out your dick in public. Is anybody impressed by the fact that you can play? No, fuck no. It's fucking disgusting display of self talent. This is why somebody like Kurt Cobain is a million leagues better, he represented us all. Not some Godhood of "talent" which is basically rape.

What a waste of a post, we all know you're baiting. It's not even clever or convincing.