"Yas Forums shouldn't have such a low image limit, this is supposed to be an image board anyway" Edition.
>What's this?
A series of seeded tournaments where we pick 128 albums from the previous decades (this time it's the 2000's) to see which is Yas Forums's favorite.
>How do I nominate an album?
Post an image of the album with it's name. It must have been released between Jan 1st 2000 and Dec 31st 2009. (Strict)
>How do I vote for an album?
Reply with the nomination post with the word "Approve". If an album gets 5 or more approvals it gets in the qualifying poll.
>When do the nominations end?
When 256 albums get in the qualifying poll. After that people will vote for the 128 contestants that will continue on the tournament. The ranking of the top 128 will be used for seeding the bracket.
>What's the point of making an artificial tournament if the results will be almost exactly the same as the qualifying poll?
It's fun.
>Why wasn't my nomination counted? It got more than 5 approvals
Either I missed it or you didn't follow the nomination rules.
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