Unironically one of the best hip hop releases of the past 10 years

Unironically one of the best hip hop releases of the past 10 years

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me on the right

I don't believe you

is that Mat Jarbo?

Is that cuck face modeled after the King Crimson cover?

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I love the differing art styles in each character.

Who ever made this shit deserves to be killed

Why are conservahicks obsessed with black people fucking their wives? It's kind of a weird thing to project.

It informs their whole worldview

the amount of mental illness required to make that pic is astounding
what the fuck is wrong with americans?

Based dame pesos making leftards seethe

I think we can map the rise of the alt-right in direct correspondence to the proliferation of IR cuck fetish porn

Is that Pinochet in the background?

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regardless of you think of this album, I've met guys who are this spinless and pathetic to the point they let their girlfriends sleep around on them. neo-libral manchild cucks are a thing that exist outside of just reddit.

>implying niggers don't do the same
Cuckoldry is a universal phobia. Racial replacement is hand in hand with it.
It's naturally selected.

>doesn’t deny it

how is this related to music or the thread at hand?

>racial replacement

Don't tell me you're one those "interracial relationships = Yte genocide" pansies?

You know someone with a girlfriend?

I've met conservahicks who drank bleach because they believed it would cure coronavirus

Who the fuck would deny their natural instincts?
You literally have to be conditioned to accept it. Humanity wouldn't exist today if not for this natural instinctive thing.

The only people somewhat immune to this instinct are mixed race people (because how can they have an instinct relating to a social construct if the construct is not applicable to their ethnic reality). The rest are paranoid about this shit and it's natural.

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> yes, I obsessively think of long, hard, sweaty black cocks fucking my hypothetical girlfriend, but that makes everybody else gay, not me

Theyre a threat to our nation. They should be culled

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I am and I'm mixed race.
I think the destruction of diversity is a bad thing, considering heterosis is giving me problems.

>The rest are paranoid about this shit and it's natural.
I love seeing people who generally have no ability to empathize projecting their own insecurities as a universal traits of humanity

I get instinctive impulses from white and black people because of how fucked our instincts are. You just learn to ignore it.

Lmao imagine having your brain chemicals hacked from looking at so much sissy porn that you start to feel that it’s your “natural instinct”

Empathy is the reason why such an impulse exists user.

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Why would you want your gf/wife cheating on you? Like even taking race out of the equation. It's pretty normal to not want your woman sleeping with other people.

> projection about personally being cucked
lol go watch some more BLACKED bud

That's really what's going on. The losers who care so much about race do so because they feel inferior from sissy porn. Normal people dgaf

sauce on news on this
Are niggers seriously spreading disinfo on Yas Forums now?

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That’s not instinct, it’s part of your role as dictated by society. As a male you’re supposed to own property and hand it down to your children. You can’t do that if you don’t know who’s kid it is. That’s why we have patriarchal monogamy

Ask the Yas Forumstards who are popularized the fetish into the mainstream. I've never seen something backfire so badly. It's hilarious.

>their in denial about their own feelings with this
Look at these homos.

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It was obvious that it only got popular on pol by astroturfing meddlers who would prefer Americans be reduced to cuckoldry obsessed goons

>too retarded to understand what empathy is

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This was a whole fucking thing a couple months back you ignorant retard, google it

kys loli faggot

imagine unironically listening to meme trash like this

I think this was tweeted out a few hours ago

Imagine being so afraid of your insecurities that you simply pretend they don't exist.
That's what cognitive dissonance does.

Yeah yeah, I'm sure there was some global conspiracy to ruin Yas Forums's precious reputation. Maybe George Soros funded it with AOC.

The look on this anons face when he realizes he’s been batting for the retards

fuck those michigan rednecks so hard they're so fucking stupid they're mad about baskin robbins and seeds they can get on the internet. legit hope they get fucked by the rona

>too cumbrained to realize most people don't spend their days thinking about black penis

gotta love with niggas conflate "neo-liberal" with left wing as if they are even remotely comparable. Yas Forumsbabbies love showing off their low IQ

I’m saying most pol users are useful idiots who get gamed into being pieces of shit by superior posters with something to gain

>not Yas Forums

>thinks it's not in the mainstream media
That board is reaction, not the source or cause of it.
It's a symptom of envy, a naturally occurring human instinct, though people pretend it isn't.

lmao youre a fucking loser dude. normal people dont worry about niggers stealing their women.


Read my post. I didn't mention anything about blacked or Yas Forums, I'm asking why do people get bent out of shape when someone is mocked for letting their gf sleep with other men?

OBSESSED with getting cucked

Hope she gets shot. Would be funny.

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Imagine showing this to your friend,
>hey man wanna check out the album I made?

Make fun of those fags all you want I don't give a shit. I'm just wondering why this is on Yas Forums lmao. Who cares about this youtube meme trash?

>cuckoldry is about dick
You're now moving the goalposts, faggot.

>I'm just wondering why this is on Yas Forums lmao.
Because it's music related.

it'd be much funnier if the rednecks got shot by the police they bootlick so much


Actually they do, hence why the soiboy phenomena happens.
Real men face their insecurities and get over them, but these people are just running from themselves and denying the existence of this natural phenomena in their body.