This chart is 100% accurate

This chart is 100% accurate

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I dont get this at all. What defines evil? also the rolling stones are the worst band on that list


it's actually the doors


Beatles and Stones should be switched

Not OP and my name is Jacob and this chart fits me so well

wow this chart fucking sucks

I'm OP and my middle name is Jacob wtf?

No. The doors have a lot of shit tracks that have dated horribly. But their good tracks are so good they outshine the bad. The stones on the other hand have released decades of reliably mediocre dad rock. They are honestly boring to listen to.

Best to worst:
Beach Boys
The Who
The Doors

Not to say that any are outright bad.

what makes the beatles evil?

Liking the Rolling Stones is predicated on liking Blues Rock. If you like Blues Rock, and want a band that does predominantly Blues Rock, then you like the Rolling Stones.

They have good singles but this is mostly facts. A lot of their non-hits are very boring blues rock or failed psychedelia.

because they were all assholes

Apart from Jimi the rest make me never want to listen to old rock music again.

There greatest hits records suggest so much more though. I wish they could hold up that caliber of quality on any of their actual albums.

go listen to 100gecs and do some ketamine then and getoffa my lawn

I like the blues rock revitalization that occured in the early 2000s the first couple of white stripes cd and the early black keys stuff is really good. Its funny that the black keys best album is literally a cover of junior kimbraugh songs. The stones are just really edgeless and dull for me. And I find their astehtic as cringe as My Chemical Romance's now that they are widely considered so innofensive. everyone I know from boomers and hot topic thots wear that fucking stupid lip tshirt

Is evil just another way of saying "ME NO LIKE" in this chart's case?

What are you talking about? Sticky Fingers is excellent. Exile and Beggars Banquet are great. And even Aftermath fucking slaps. Not to mention Get Yer Ya Yas out, which is an excellent live album that could replace any compilation.

Stones were great.

Also, Some Girls

100gecs makes me want to listen to old rock though.
That's just a loop of bad music.

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I bought all of those records at some point in my life and was dissapointed every time. Not a single stones song besides sympathy for the devil "slaps". The beatles get a boatload of shit on this board because they are percieved as a cultural product of boomers. But the beatles are at least somewhat timeless and have cross generational appeal. You can also cover beatles songs in different styles and it works completely. Michelle is in the real book for a reason. The rolling stones are the textbook definition of boomer. there is no edge, nothing transgressive, and their sound is extremely dull. Their sound barely evolves in the fucking 50 years theyve been around

I was joking but if 100gecs make you feel that way and you don't like the kinks or the who you're just dumb.

Aftermath is transgressive as fuck

Do you like Blues Rock otherwise?

Ive heard all of the ones you mentioned but I mostly agree with . I do really like high tides though, they have a good collection of hits imo.

>he leaves out let it bleed, their best album

Even I can't get into that shit

you got filtered user

The only great songs Aftermath has are Paint it Black and Under my Thumb. There are a couple other decent tunes with songs like Think but its still not that great as a total package.

>He doesn't like Stupid Girl

I like some blues rock. In the stones somewhat defense its not my favorite genre or anything. I responded about it above see

Yeah of all their albums it is their best that isn't a greatest hits comp.

I'd put it in the decent category. Nothing special about it for me but I don't dislike it.

You’re wrong.

Beach boys
Bob Dylan

Brown Sugar has just about the coolest sounding ruff of all time.

How could you not like pet sounds at the very least? It’s not even dadrock, just superb 60s pop.

>bring an asshole means you are inherently evil

Holy shit, you're a mongoloid.

Nearly every song of the first doors album is better than that lame boomer jam. That song encapulates everything I despise about the stones

Not even the best riff in that album.

>uses boomer as an insult while praising the doors
based retard

The doors are boomer but they are as date and lame as the fucking rolling stones. Youre more likely to encounter a boomer wearing a rolling stones t shirt or playing brown sugar in the shitty factory stereo in their leased ford f-150 than the doors. Honestly putting the stones in the same category of the beatles is insane. The doors at least have a somewhat unique psichedlic asthetic.