Why are zoomers so wacky?

Why are zoomers so wacky?

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because the world they are growing up in gets more whacky by the day

Le clown world bro

wow so wacky

they have it to good in their sheltered bubbles
but they also have access to high speed internet so their brains are melting due to globalist infused paranoia

a stark difference to preceding generations

yes, since the earlier generations didn't have access to the same kind of stimuli 24/7 during the years their brains were developing

imagine spending all your free time staring at a screen

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because we're in a post-modern hell

wow so erudite

I go through my day pretty normal, like I'm a normal guy, I'm a swell guy, I'm a nice enough guy, I'm a cool kinda guy. Heh. I'm a pretty groovy guy… But then I get a little SUGAR in me, and I start to go KEKOO! Doesn't have to be much, this time around it was two 'em–two of Fiber One® Brownies, only 90 calories each but they do the job! Do you know what I'm sayin'? They get me goin', they get me riled up! A little KEKOO, a little WACKY! Start gettin' me a little KOOKY, a little–you know–LOOPY!! Ooh-ooh! Hey! Somebody t–somebody put this kid in a padded cell, get 'im a straitjacket, he's goin' a lil… wacky… Goin' a lil KOOKY… He's off the walls! Bananas! Loco! You want me to stop. Isn't that wonderful. Well lemme just do whatever you say, because it's your little fairy tale

earlier generations didn't walk around with a television in their pocket, and kids born in the early 90s didn't even have a mobilephone in their first formative years
kids are using ipads as studying tools in school (some even get an iPhone or iPad before they enter school ffs)

this song is actually pretty good, learning the solo rn desu

so good

Plenty of wacky in each generation. We're just more exposed to it because of da interned

He’s literally almost 30
Not a zoomer, closer to a boomer

lol the solo just sounds like it was done for him on fiverr

becasue we're stupid

Yes, yes you are.

Le wrong generation

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UH, I KNOW! stupid boomer.

this guy was 14 while Bush was still president lmao how is he a zoomer

Hey retard

you're fucking retarded if you think this is on the same level as today

This faggot is pushing 30 and pushing a sadboy R&B shtick that doesn't track whatsoever to people born after 1998

>Reminder that anyone born before 1995 is a millennial

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Even if he was a zoomer, he's barely wacky. Sure, Filthy Frank was but...Joji? Who I suppose you're referring to since...well, pic related and the fact that we're on Yas Forums

'94 is definitely zoomer. '93 is debatable, but '92 is late boomer.


wow you become a boomer from zoomer in just one year, I'm right on the cusp

Cultural nihilism

Keep seething you faggot zoomer
That's life