Expanding Horizons

Assume you had to expand a simpleton's sphere of music. This person has never listened to anything outside of top-40 hits. What albums and in which order would you prescribe them?

Attached: Radiohead_-_In_Rainbows.jpg (500x500, 383.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Merzbow - Pulse Demon
Throbbing Gristle - I.C.A. Live
Merzbow - Merzbox
Hanatarash - Take Back Your Penis!
Hijokaiden - The King Of Noise
Passenger of Shit - Floating With My Poo
100 Gecs - 1000 gecs
Swans - To Be Kind
and finally: Bladee - Ice Dancer
you basically completed music now
bonus round: youtube.com/watch?v=lFUIeDjo2dA

Attached: 1508962761868.png (640x960, 388.48K)

What an abysmal webposting this is.

I would show them this
Awful taste, barely any of it counts as music

Attached: rymcore OFFICIAL.jpg (4229x2800, 1.37M)

The Cure - Pornography
R.E.M - Murmur
The Cure - Disintegration
Bjork - Vespertine
Bjork - Homogenic
Bowery Electric - Beat
Cocteau Twins - Head Over Heels
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless

if it has sound it is potentially music.

Going from listening to Taylor Swift to the most goth of The Cure is likely to be very jarring

t. THAT kid


It's really hard, because if they don't like it even a little bit, they will just stick to top 40 hits. I don't have an actual order, but I'd probably force them to listen to
>Braid-Frame and Canvas
>Black Flag-My War
>Bob Dylan-Highway 61 Revisited
>Carissa's Wierd-You Should Be At Home Here
>Charles Mingus-The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
>Claude Debussy-Suite Bergamasque
>Drop Nineteens-Delaware
>Lilys-In The Presence of Nothing
>Lisa Germano-Geek The Girl
>My Bussy Valentine-You Made Me Realise
>Slayer-Show No Mercy
>Sweet Trip-You Will Never Know Why
>Wavves-King of the Beach

I'm ready to be judged

I have a gf who exclusively listened to top 40 when we first met. It took a LONG time for us ro find stuff, but here's what has stuck:

The Beatles
Stevie Wonder
Sufjan Stevens
Kendrick Lamar
Nick Cave
Nick Drake
Nina Simone
Black Sabbath
Elliott Smith
A Tribe Called Quest
Fela Kuti

She started liking different music not because I admonished her for liking Top 40 but she heard me listening to something that sounded interesting to her. It takes time, but she's slowly becoming her own critic. IDK if that helps at all.

> She started liking different music not because I admonished her for liking Top 40 but she heard me listening to something that sounded interesting to her. It takes time, but she's slowly becoming her own critic.
I find this nonconfrontational strategy to be the most effective way of actually developing someone’s tastes for the better. I’ve had success doing a similar kind of thing with books and movies as well.

Love these albums but they wouldnt get it

You retards are really in this thread acting like you can convert someone who has only listened to TOP 40 HITS into a Yas Forumstant by forcing them to listen to Merzbow and shoegaze. Mongoloids. No. Here's the real list:

Wavves - King of the Beach
Girls - Lust for Life
Brand New - The Devil and God
The National - Boxer
Stone Roses - Stone Roses
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
Frightened Rabbit - Midnight Organ Fight
New Order - Brotherhood
Polaris - Pete and Pete
Jeff Rosenstock - WORRY

Did you recommend her stuff or just play things for her until she was like "oo i like that"?

My girlfriend just listens to classical sometimes, Jacob Collier (but not actual jazz), and random Korean indie pop bands. It's sad. She just basically just uses music to play nice sounds in the background while she works.

>all touristcore
newfags are embarrassing

>She just basically just uses music to play nice sounds in the background while she works
Why are normies like this? Why can't they actually sit there and enjoy the music? It isn't even abstract or artsy like opera or some ethnic chants, wtf

100 gecs is gay so ill just assume the rest of your recommendations are garbage too

Mostly B. I put on Paranoid and she was like "holy shit, this is so good," and she's never given any kind of metal a chance. Now we're going through the Sabbath discography together during the quarantine. It's almost random chance that she likes something dude

That's actually awesome, good for you and your gf

i fucked your mom

I'll check these out, hopefully these aren't memes and are accessible enough
Can you recommend any albums in particular that were hits? I'm only familiar with Beatles' discography

Absolutely nothing, they would never listen to albums. When it comes to normalshit taste, they never listen to albums except for perhaps shit on the tier of imagine dragons. But in a perfect world where they did listen to me, Clarence Clarity's Leave Earth, Busdriver's Perfect Hair, Radiohead's Amnesiac.
>inb4 pop, (c)rap and rock? shit taste
They still need to tolerate it. This would be to get their feet wet, I'm not going to rec them a 6 hour vaporwave album or a post-rock epic now, am I? That shit would filter them quick.

Albums don't have to be your only strategy, you can also find playlists or Greatest Hits sorta things. In fact it might be easier that way to begin with -- gf couldn't get down with Dark Side of the Moon without me being like "SEE??? IT'S A REPRISE OF THIS THING AND IT CONNECTS THIS WAY ETC". Led Zeppelin and Fela Kuti were examples where I didn't pick a specific album and just did songs and it went pretty well.

Black Sabbath - Paranoid, Master of Reality
Stevie Wonder - Innervisions
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, m.a.a.d. City
Nick Drake - all of it
Nina Simone - Pastel Blues, Wild is the Wind, High Priestess of Soul
Elliott Smith - XO
REM - Murmur, Automatic for the People (but their Part Heart compilation is good too)
Nick Cave - The Good Son, Abbatoir Blues, Skeleton Tree
Sufjan - Carrie and Lowell

also "get into" and "figure out" albums with the person. Kinda made it a date/event with my gf to drive around and listen to Fetch the Bolt Cutters for the first time and reckon with the hype. Did the same with Lana Del Rey's album last year. Respect their taste, don't hyperactively shove content or your opinion down their throat. Let them figure shit out.

I wouldn't waste my time on that. You can only expand your horizons if you want to in the first place. Curiosity and Google is all you really need.

Thanks chief, that's some good thinking. Appreciate your input

None. Find your own music, bitch.

He's right. Stay mad.

Normals are inherently drawn to making and maintaining social relationships and the like, and are relatively good at it. Music in their minds helps achieve this by causing good ambiance that sets the tone for those conversations. Or in other words, consonant white noise. Why the hell would a normal care about music? It's autistic in it's fine details by it's very nature, and it is not like putting on anything but the most vapid bullshit is going to improve conversations, so consonant white noise is their music of choice. Art is autism, normals "appreciate" it with the goal of using to further social gain/status, regardless of the kind of art it really is and those that choose to dive into art like music (like me and you [I assume since you're here]) aren't the baseline. We're just not normal.
