Should I swipe right Yas Forums?

Should I swipe right Yas Forums?

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how did you find my profile???

>caroline polachek
>fiona apple
>kero kero bonito
she has BPD and has had sex with blacks

>let's hang out tonight
>"haha i wish, if it wasnt for the quarantine :("

Tinder/Bumble are a fucking joke now. Women are most susceptible to the (((media))) and now it's getting fucking hard to bang new girls. They will be just as """at risk""" when lockdowns are lifted as they are right now. But they're too dumb to logic.

You can still hang out at eachother's place. You can still meet up at a fucking park on a nice day. You can still fucking meet anywhere outside really. Women are fucking memes.

No, you should never swipe right on someone who has those artists as their favorite. It's the wrong choice.

he seems like a very standard art gay

retarded incel
thats just a nice way of letting you know they dont want to hang with your ugly ass

im still fucking hoes off tinder. ur game is weak bro

poor you :(

>Tinder/Bumble are a fucking joke now. Women are most susceptible to the (((media))) and now it's getting fucking hard to bang new girls. They will be just as """at risk""" when lockdowns are lifted as they are right now. But they're too dumb to logic.

>You can still hang out at eachother's place. You can still meet up at a fucking park on a nice day. You can still fucking meet anywhere outside really. Women are fucking memes.

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>Tinder/Bumble are a fucking joke now. Women are most susceptible to the (((media))) and now it's getting fucking hard to bang new girls. They will be just as """at risk""" when lockdowns are lifted as they are right now. But they're too dumb to logic.

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I still have literally 10+ girls I could have casual sex with but only 3 new girls since the lockdown

If you're being serious, where have you been meeting them?

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>Tinder/Bumble are a fucking joke now. Women are most susceptible to the (((media))) and now it's getting fucking hard to bang new girls. They will be just as """at risk""" when lockdowns are lifted as they are right now. But they're too dumb to logic.

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Nah, some girls who won't meet up still are sending nudes and stuff. Usually it's a pretty easy process from phone to meet up.

i meet them at a park and ask if they wanna smoke weed or drink with me. then we fuck in my car and some are cool with coming back to my house
i live alone and post myself painting on ig stories everyday. so they know im clean

Some questions, feel free to answer/not answer whichever ones.

When meeting up, is the plan "let's smoke or drink at the park?". Where are you parking so you're not seen having sex in the car? You really haven't gotten any "haha but the lockdown" pushback?

And are you in a state that's been hard hit by Corona?

These aren't sarcastic questions by the way, genuinely curious. I'm so used to bar > one of our places > bang. Lockdown has thrown me for a loop.

>Toby Fox
Is this person autistic

Yes. Always yes.

>When meeting up, is the plan "let's smoke or drink at the park?"
usually, i already laid down the hard work by facetime or house party couple times. so they already somewhat comfortable with me. then i ask if they wanna meet at x park thats pretty dead. if they agree. the day on the meetup. i ask if they're fine with drinking/smoking because im bringing a blunt and beer/wine.

>Where are you parking so you're not seen having sex in the car?
i know my spots well. so thats ymmv. but anyway secluded. my car has tint so it doesn't matter but i always offer if they wanna drive someone else if they get paranoid

>You really haven't gotten any "haha but the lockdown" pushback?
of course, I have. but that's no different than them. cancelling last minute even without the lockdown. bro i had girls send me nudes call me daddy. then ghost the day of the date

>And are you in a state that's been hard hit by Corona?
im in north Carolina. cases are pretty low. but girls are horny bro. these chicks don't even like using condoms

Based, someone who actually gets laid on Yas Forums to discuss such things with.

So excluding house parties (since that's not an option for me) you typically match, banter, facetime, meet? How long does first message to meetup take for you if there's no house party involved? Is the facetime a pretty consistent part of your process?

Again, I myself was typically meeting at least 5 girls a month before all this shit and it's been a pain in the ass since the stay-at-home orders.

>of course, I have. but that's no different than them. cancelling last minute even without the lockdown. bro i had girls send me nudes call me daddy. then ghost the day of the date

No doubt, accepted part of the game at this point, not talking about flakes though. Just talking about girls who flat up don't seem into meeting new guys at all because of Corona. Have you met any girls during this time who were on fence at first then changed mind, what happened?

Thanks again for your feedback brah

Not guy who replied initially but I do literally the same thing as him, except I live down the street from the park so we just go to my house and not back to a car. I’ve met 2 new girls face to face during this, could have had the third come over but she was crazy I think and didn’t want her to know where I live. She was on the fence but I just acted responsible saying ‘it’s for the best’ that we don’t meet until she caved lol

have you been getting lockdown pushback though? your number is near mine (3) the last 2 months which is low for my standards (2-3 girls in 60 days means a lot of wasted convos/matches that went nowhere)

>100 keks
Ok she definitely posts here

Would you faggots swipe right on me

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>MBV, Death Grips, Swans

pretty embarrassing you're such an easily "HAHA I GO ON MU LOOK ITS THREE OF THE MOST POPULAR ACTS THERE XD"

Unironically remove death grips and swans

take a deep dive into a genre and develop your taste rather than just listening to stuff everyone likes. there's nothing unique about your picks.

do you think most people really think of what imageboard someone goes on according to their taste? also is having artists that are more obscure than this enjoyable alternative stuff any less cringe? i'm not even that guy i'm just truly curious why you are punching down at someone who is probably very much like yourself.

>do you think most people really think of what imageboard someone goes on according to their taste?

of course not

> also is having artists that are more obscure than this enjoyable alternative stuff any less cringe?

it's not their level of obscurity/non-obscurity that is issue

>i'm not even that guy i'm just truly curious why you are punching down at someone who is probably very much like yourself

their tastes are just "le epic mucore guy". it's like having daughters, swans, death grips, kids see ghosts then you're epic needledrop guy

it just looks like their tests were easily dictated to them and not a reflection of someone who, as the other poster said, really has their "own" taste

>New Order
>My Bloody Valentine
>Death Grips
I don't like Death Grips. Overall I'd swipe right

a girl swiped on me for Dopethrone.
we talked about doom metal for about 10 minutes, she asked what my favorite funeral doom band was, and then never replied again.
feels bad
could have got some edgy petite puss puss

i think he meant the app house party ....

Lolz, never even heard of. What is that