As more loose threads about punk related genres start popping up, let's just make a punk unity general, as most people probably dabble in multiple genres. Doesn't matter if it's emo, hardcore, post-punk, dance punk, pop punk, whatever, post it.
Starting off with a Minutemen classic, a good record to start off the series. It's kinda niche so right up Yas Forums's alley, band related to your typical So-Cal punk / hardcore from the early 80's, still weird enough to draw in the artsy folks?
Possible topics: > I'm from X and my scene is Y > Moshing (or not) > Stagediving > Cool music
How is there's so much punk discussion on here in the last few days but a punk general can't get going
Parker Rodriguez
Just found this record. Some wild experiments. I'm curious to know more about this scene. All I knew about the SST scene was Minutemen, Black Flag and Saint Vitus.
Probably because people don't think about longetivity. The genre in itself is gonna get a newish sound real soon, some kind of revival is gonna happen. Hopefully some type of community liked unity general (not necessarily this one) can help Yas Forums keep relevant. As our world tumbles into chaos, punks firm grassroots image might be a beacon of support for people who need it, socially and musically.
There is no “revival” because it’s still active you out of touch donkey
Christian Rivera
what are some bands similar to Hüsker Dü? their sound seems to be extremely unique relative to most hardcore/post hardcore etc. I need more bands with Bob Mould’s piercing guitar tone and melodic approach to the traditional hardcore formula
Nicholas Murphy
I just started listening to Minutemen a week ago. I started with this album. All of the songs are really good but I wish they weren't so fucking short. Where do I go from here?
Samuel Anderson
In that sense there was no revival of anything ever. One of the biggest allround punk fests in Europe, Groez, is probably shutting down. The more alternative scene in my country is surely getting somewhat smaller. I guess hardcore is quite alive in the States?
Revival might be a bad word actually. I think something 'punk' (whatever subgenre it may be) is gonna get some part of the limelight. Probably bad for the genre in terms of quality. The fact the world is spiraling into chaos is probably gonna make it a fad in some parts, atleast.