Most embarrassing musician partner/spouse?

Most embarrassing musician partner/spouse?

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better than being a viruscuck

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Keep letting corporatists cuck you by telling you profits matter more than mass casualties and death. Him citing hospitals in California being empty is laughable because they are the main state that had very early social distancing requirements and strict guidelines, meanwhile NYC hospitals are still full, and if we end the quarantine all at once, the curve will go straight back to the exponential growth we were on 3 weeks ago

more propaganda victims

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>mass casualties and death
It's under a 1% death rate lmao

imagine being the only country that does the same thing as brazil and still cries and whines when people call them retards
aahahahah americans are a meme i swear

Ariel Pink's ex thinks Clairo stole Pretty Girl from her

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and she is right

>Climate change alarmist
>also coronavirus denier
>basically Socialist/UBI advocate
>also ruthless businessman
What is Elon's endgame?

>someone made this image
go write some music instead pls

1% of 300 million people is still 3 million people also we can only accommodate a small number of people in hospitals and the percent goes up once we overload that capacity

Mass grave

yep its really fucking bad. hes literally one of the omst evil people on hte planet. and to think grimes used to pretend to be leftist

The death rate is somewhere between 0.2-0.1 actually

Mass extinction of the Am*rican race
and yes, he already knows. Based.

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That song fucking sucks though and doesn’t even have a real chorus. It’s similar stylistically but if anything clairo just took the concept and made it better.

Elon claims to be a socialist

>implying even 100,000 would die if we did nothing at all

>more dead in 3 months than in 10 years in vietnam
apparently vietnam was great then lmao

60k people died from regular ass flu last year

I’m not saying we should go back to work or anything it’s still bad. Just like you know context

100k could die in the US from already doing everything thats been done.

Which btw, was not nothing.

They'll say it's from "covid19", but countless doctors and nurses have come out saying they're being told to diagnose every cause of death as the rona.

top 3 for sure

Yeah, but that's in a few months. Also pair that with exponential growth

The virus definitely isn’t as bad as the hype. But we should still keep quarantining just so hospitals can keep treating people who get sick and not get overrun which would cause more deaths

And musks intention is purely he wants to please his stock holders and worried about this years profits so douchey for sure

[citation needed]

No, look just fuck off and take your meds.

The numbers are falling so there is no exponential growth

Now if we all go back to life as normal that could change. I agree with you we should stay put for now it’s just not even remotely as bad as some news would have you believe

I hope the US ends the lockdown so more am*ricans die

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60+ is the modern high score, probably due to the retarded antivaxxers
typically the annual number is lower (and would likely be lower still if you all would keep your hands clean)

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>keep 5.1 billion humans in their houses for six weeks
I still don't understand nothingburgers. What do you think would have happened if nobody actually socially isolated?

Bro I’m agreeing with you I’m just saying maybe there is a middle ground here

Andy seems like a chill dude other than the "goofy" image you guys can't seem to get over

Yoko Ono

>owns Tesla
>owns Space X
>singlehandedly getting humans to mars (Artemis)
>puffed weed on Joe Rogan
>had drugged out weekend long threesome with Grimes and Azealia Banks
>is billionaire

Yeah. He's sooo lame.

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He’s comparing Vietnam to rona and I’m saying flu is worse than Vietnam if you’re gonna say that

Your reading comprehension is clearly low

why are americans so dribblying retarded

Yet Ariel stole like have his discography

At least I actually research shit and don’t just trust garbage ass headlines

Can't believe he gets to make sweet love to her and get private concerts. It's not fair bros it's not fucking fair

It's past its peak in hospitalisations weeks ago, hasn't even reached the 500,000 estimated deaths worldwide caused by H1N1, and has grown linearly for weeks now. Meanwhile Western governments failed to protect the genuinely vulnerable in care homes while crashing their economies, quarantining the healthy (completely unprecedented), and extending the inevitable spread of the virus through the population on the basis of surge in demand that only materialised in the specific condition of northern Italy, probably due to high air pollution, a poorly prepared healthcare system, and many elderly people.

Sweden hasn't locked down and let people take responsibility for their own safety. No capacity problems in their healthcare system and deaths per million lower than Belgium and the UK. They'll reach herd immunity in weeks without the catastrophic human consequences of crashing their economy, while the rest of us will have to go through the painful process of a slow reopening and wider curve in addition to that.

im sorry, what were you saying, retard?

he's literally just a nerd larping as Tony Stark

the numbers are falling because distancing and you are finaly washing your goddamn hands, idiot
>In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely, it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate

I’m agreeing with you you retard. Can you read or not? Are you just a rabid dog incapable of thought?

>suspected or likely
no point in wasting resources testing dead people

you dont seem to be processing your research very well if you think any fall off in numbers is the result of some spontaneous miracle...

Sounds more like the discretion of the doctor's and nurses is the issue rather than anyone forcing their hand..

Did I ever say that? Can you niggas read or not?

what are you talking about?

1% of 300 million is 3 million. If the death rate is truly 1% and most Americans end up getting it, that’s mass death.

dating joanna would be pretty embarrassing true

>The list had previously been released in real time by the state Medical Examiners Commission. But earlier this month, after the Tampa Bay Times reported that the medical examiners’ death count was 10 percent higher than the figure released by the Florida Department of Health, state officials said the list needed to be reviewed and possibly redacted.

Wow I don’t like either of them but Clairo or more likely her label and ghost writers clearly stole this

you Holterfags are pathetic

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I’m not the guy saying people are cucks over the rona. I’m just saying the death rate is factually around 0.2%

I’m all for social distancing to not overrun hospitals as hospitals are near capacity on a normal day and would cause more death and Elon musk is a douche because he’s only upset because he desperately needs his stock to do well

that's a massive leap that everyone in the nation would get infected. There has never been a disease in history that is that infectious, and this one isnt either

At home deaths in nyc are up 10x over last year in the same month, I think to get an accurate estimate of at home deaths due to covid, it is fair to mark a lot of the death increase as covid related

i was making a joke user. . .

Well. Egg on my face

Yes, retard that's a lot.
They had to dig mass graves in NY