How are you holding up Yas Forums?

also quarantine general

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Fucking great. Quarantine's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

My state opens tomorrow. No more corona bitches. Gonna go to my favorite sushi place and get fucked up.

>eat raw uncooked food when the virus is still fucking everywhere

cool suicide bro

I've been eating food from resturaunts this whole "epidemic" and I've been fine. Keep eating your MRE's and rice Yas Forums schizo that'll keep the corona boogeyman away.

>sacrificing your peepaw for lukewarm sushi

where are you from?


Bored af. Pretty much past caring about corona stopped reading news a week ago


Same here, I love the isolation. and i have all the time in the world to do what i enjoy the most

Real talk, you guys really need to fucking understand that the following months are going to be unthinkable. You must understand that no matter how prepared you think you are, no matter how much you think you know, you won't be ready. And I fear it's too late to do anything about it, until after.

Your entire worldview, no matter how accurate it's been up to this point, will be shattered, and that's not easy no matter how jaded, desensitized or smart you are.
The fact that it's starting to seep through the cracks means it's already done, and we can't do anything to stop what's coming.

We're going to move beyond the realm of possibility, and unless you prepare the chock of it will get you. It's almost got me, and I still can't believe it.
You know, I really fucking hope I lost my mind. I mean, it would be so much fucking easier, and I'd gladly go insane and get locked up for life if it means I'm wrong. Anyway, I know it seems sill to put your trust into someone who is Anonymous but if you've ever listened to someone during all of this, if you've ever felt you could trust someone, then do it now.

Just let go of everything you think, because everything you think is wrong.

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day 69 of quarantine here

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gettin bored.
starting to miss human contact.
i miss work, and i miss actually going to school. those small bits of social interaction are gone, and i'm only now realizing how much i valued them.
most of all though, i miss driving out to my folks' house and hanging out with them for a day. i can call them, but it's not the same. hobbies are nice, i'm trying to make something of the surplus free time, but i liked the life i was starting to have. around the time this all started to go down, i was actually starting to feel at home in the outside world. now i'm just kinda back to the way i was. whatever. not much i can do at this point except wait.
nice weather these past couple of days though. at least i can still take walks.

yeah, i'm good.

Same here. Been working from home the entire time but even that hasn't been bad since I still have a stable income.

I'm actually dreading having to go back to normal operations, not just because I'm a lazy fuck that doesn't want to drive in to the office but because I'm sure once everything starts opening back up then that will be when everybody gets sick because people are retarded.

You used a lot of words to basically say nothing, pretty impressive.

go back to

ok boomer

>once everything starts opening back up then that will be when everybody gets sick because people are retarded.
yeah it's gunna be annoying for everyone. Imagine getting this close to finally giving hospital workers relief then we do this lol

I cried today
I had a dream about my ex
I found out I'm retarded
I'm lonely

what is YOUR worldview? Virological posadism?

Omit the second point and that's me.

same but I'm about to get laid off
all good things I guess

my dream went like this: she and I were already broken up but her new boyfriend (who doesnt exist irl) dropped her off at my place so we could fuck. She commented on my good dick.

thks for the blog

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This is the designated blogposting thread, no?

who /anxiety/ here?

Quarantine is awesome been practicing a lot of bach and reading a ton of literature

still working, wish i could go on unemployment because id make around the same amount of money AND have a shitload of time to do cool stuff

Only neet zoomers are enjoying the quarantine.