

What did they mean by this?

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how can a song with such a based title be so shit?

>tfw when only half of the title is actually sung in the song

if white america told the truth for one day its world would fall apart, im pretty sure

what would happen if black america were honest for once?

"White America" is redundant
It's civilization as a whole


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You forgot the apostrophe in "It's" (it shouldn't be there but it is in the title)

Their instrumentals are great, their lyrics are cringe. Refused are the only leftist band to have not cringe lyrics. Prove me wrong.

introspective manics lyrics are great

I always thought the song name IfWhiteAmericaToldTheTruthForOneDayTheWorldWouldFallApart would've been more honest

It's the reverse actually, the title is shit but the song is an absolute banger.


Doesn't mean anything really, British rock music just went through a weird anti-American phase in the 90s.

>absolute banger

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Is it bad that I never gave the title any thought until I saw people reacting to it on this board?

People here are sensitive fags, man

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burst out laughing when i read the tracklist for the first time. classic britcringe. wish someone would put fag island out of its misery.

you can tell it's the one song not written by Richey

This Is Yesterday is also written by Nicky

>The Manics are so based that people need to grasp at straws to hate on them
Imagine getting filtered by a fucking song title


the worst thing about this song, is not that the title is horrible (which it is, but was also during the 90s so it shouldn't be viewed the modern lens), it's that it uses it's instead of its on original versions. The song is actually good

>At the time of the album's 10th anniversary reissue Wire claimed to be largely responsible for "Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit'sworldwouldfallapart" and "This Is Yesterday", contributing only titles to some of the other songs.[6] However, on later inspection of his notebooks, Wire was surprised to find he had contributed more lyrics than he had previously remembered, having also written portions of "Of Walking Abortion" and "Mausoleum" and some lines from "Faster". He now believed himself responsible for around 30% of the words on the album.[17][18]

song titles are a legit filter though. its generally the first thing you come into contact with about the song unless you hear it first. if there was a song called "let's fuck babies" and you were disgusted by it, then you wouldn't listen to it.

>What did they mean by this?
They meant that, were americans ethnically cathegorised as "white" to be honest for mere 24 hours, their world-view and way of life as they know it would crumble. Hope that cleared it up for you.

post-THB lyrics > THB and earlier lyrics

we have this thread every week

I honestly agree. The tone and themes of coping, grief, and eventually moving on from those presented in Everything Must Go is some of the most heartbreaking but reassuring stuff I've heard from a rock record.

they'd lose their gibs for sure

The Manics were equal-opportunity haters in the early-to-mid 90s. They'd write pro-feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist songs and then contrast those with pro-death penalty songs and statements about what a degenerate Freddy Mercury was and how glad they were that he was dead in interviews.

>He once stated during a 1992 gig, "In this season of goodwill, let's pray that Michael Stipe goes the same way as Freddie Mercury pretty soon."

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