Listened to this album and ended up really liking it. Am i pleb

Listened to this album and ended up really liking it. Am i pleb

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very clearly

fuck. oh well

No. Listen to what you like listening to king

being a patrician means listening to whatever you want and like without giving a shit about the opinions of others
that said, this album is trash and youre a pleb

asking if you’re a pleb automatically makes you a pleb

sounds like a plan desu

Listen to whatever you want dude. I still like Paramore, Blonde, and EDM despite being into some fucking weird shit as well. Listen to whatever you connect with. I listened to Igor and I wasn't really into it but I liked it better than flower boy as someone that's listened to tyler since bastard.

yeah im a mix of insecure as well as bored and want to see a discussion of this album

i cant wrap my head around how people can say Blonde is pleb for any reason besides that its popular. really good album

>browsing Yas Forums
of fucking course

i'll give myself this, im one of the few who will admit it. Having an active focus on having unique and patrician taste is somewhat inherently insecure if you think about it

go back to twitter

no, you're based

twitter is more interesting and has more influence then Yas Forums these days. Its sad.

OP you're entitled to like whatever the fuck you want. Ignore these beta male Yas Forumscore autists - they think liking obscure and "unique" albums is a personality trait when in reality they're boring, lonely cunts lmao

Only use this board for music suggestions and baiting these faggots kek

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>shitting on twitter when its significantly better than the platform youre using right now

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kek i do love blonde (dear april was great too) but that was a typo. meant blondie.
Exactly. I just listen to whatever I connect with. Sometimes it's something super simple and basic like a good folk song and sometime it's a super complex Bartok piece that just hits right. "Good" music at the end of the day is really just whatever we connect to emotionally. Like Jacob Collier's music is technically incredibly good in terms of harmonic structure and vocal technique but it just sounds so dull and emotionless to me so I can't really enjoy it. Same thing goes for a lot of later period prog rock bands. Hell one of my favorite bands is beach house and they've literally made the same album like 7 times but I find it invokes a lot of complex emotions and memories so I'm still a fan.

It's not cherry bomb so yes


>liking music because you actually enjoy listening to it, rather than having greasy, acne-ridden virgins on a forum website tell you Swans is amazing and you should listen to them instead
You're a rarity here, my fren


why dont you go back then

this. twitter culture isnt very intelligent but its at least fun

based kek dubs

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im gonna Yas Forums and twitter and you literally cant stop me

Because Twitter has more censorship. If they had a mix of their actual fun, interactive culture whilst adopting you greasy faggots' freedom of speech, this site would be fucking dead.

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have sex and go outside

I mean I like Swans too but it's because I genuinely can connect to the Seer. I love the absolute cacophony of sound (my bad if I sound pretentious here) that the album just pushes forward. It's like Godspeed in that it just invokes this almost apocalyptic dread that I find really interesting. It makes songs like Song for a Warrior, which is a great song on its own, sound that much more emotional because they're just these brief little moments of peace and love just so much more impactful. A sweet line like "Some people say that god is long dead. But I heard something inside you with my head to your chest" in an album filled with loud detuned to fuck drum kits, grating guitars, and chanting like vocals really just seems so sweet. But yeah it definitely is a problem where people just listen to shit because they want to find the most obscure and avant garde shit possible.


fucking trips, you better have sex and go outside now you lonely virgin

I'm not saying they're bad. I think there's a couple tracks by them I like. They're just a huge Yas Forumscore band here and it's sad

>double Hitler dubs
Shit I guess I'll have to make a twitter account

Yes, how dare you like the WRONG THINGS