
Post what you're listening to, your thoughts on it, and any hot takes you have about anything jazz related.

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This. The tracks with Warne Marsh are the best.

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picking a fav album from this lineup is like picking a fav child
but it might be free for all

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Anyone watching the international jazz day stream?
Tristano is very underrated, but I guess he didnt record all that much

>Tristano is very underrated

You think so? If anything, I think his stature in jazz is not quite in proportion to his actual output. His musical philosophy never really caught on either desu.

Nice compilation of his 1950s recordings for Blue Note. Music is nice, if unremarkable.

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Been listening to this. Really good stuff. I'm slowly trying to go through Miles' discography

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His Prestige period was his best. How's that for a hot take?

Listening to the last Duke Ellington concert, Eastbourne Performance. I like it but i'm not super familiar with the Duke, what is considered his best stuff?

>what is considered his best stuff

pic related.

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the stream is starting an hour from now, right?

listening to some happy 70's trad jazz revival because tomorrow is labor day holiday

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preciate you playa

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This was the last album I listened to.
Their stuff without Hancock is unbelievably boring. Only salvageable track was the closer.

I've been listening to a lot of Duke this week since it was his birthday and all

I'm a filthy rockist, so I like the later ones that feel like more coherent LPs

Money Jungle, The Afro-Eurasian Eclipse, Duke Ellington & John Coltrane, Far East Suite, Ellington Uptown

Some favorite tracks:

Forgot the picture. My bad.

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Orrin Evans - “…It Was Beauty” (2013) [FLAC]
>post-bop, piano trio, criss cross

Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=ptu1Fhvcbm4

Link: mega.nz/#F!SBFmRaxC!5MsQXq_ks3skRmgR9sjt6w

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here we go with the criss cross posting

What is meant by "composer" when people say it in a jazz context?
Someone who makes themes?

Jonathan Kreisberg - Nine Stories Wide (2004)
>post-bop, guitar trio, criss cross

Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=raPneC7aOKU

Link: mega.nz/#F!XRFkDIhS!NIKP7l78PXPXLWTMBfDuxQ

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Alex Sipiagin - Overlooking Moments (2013) [FLAC]
>post-bop, criss cross

sample: youtube.com/watch?v=2e22geca5ng

download: mega.nz/#!3QMG1YoQ!4vJYjfK9hNcfgB4ChhHHd8D8NZVlSmFZZCgaP0cpf4c

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Danny Grissett - Form (2009)
>post-bop, criss cross

sample: youtube.com/watch?v=voWnY8x_YW0

link: mega.nz/#!yFVW0byK!R70ceqeoXbkOQEU6RT-YFeZ8HLuwh0rLZbfihw-0BB0

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Philip Catherine - Moods Volume 1 (1992) [FLAC]
>smooth jazz, acoustic guitar, no drums, criss cross

sample: youtube.com/watch?v=mhbidvTq9H8

link: mega.nz/#!GZ1RlazS!CkjbICMvwigyh6UXqex7xlrImGwRPySZ9WoHr6HItos

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Probably whoever originally wrote the tune. It meant more when songs were taken from musicals. American songbook, standards and all.

Scott Colley - Subliminal... (1998)
>post-bop, criss cross

sample: youtube.com/watch?v=s78jxTTtldI

link: mega.nz/#!iQsAgQCB!sELiE0GcdVd1CYiImOGYl9OPYJwsN02TsCqnnDRUztU

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David Kikoski - Consequences (2012) [FLAC]
>post-bop, piano trio, criss cross

Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=P5o8KW9UCHA

Link: mega.nz/#F!bEtUVaRa!Jy1DMox10XoXSatHpfmmUw

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yeah, the person who composed the theme or whatever composed part there may be

on albums, freely improvised tracks tend to be credited to all musicians

David Binney - Bastion of Sanity (2005)
>modern jazz, post-bop, criss cross

Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=9yYlofKlliE

Link: mega.nz/#!LMc0ESoJ!QyE6Q3zvsLOpFlrFYfovLXne2ypgl91Bng_CfjLd7cY

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The only people who think this are people who haven’t discovered the second quintet yet.

Been listening to Baby Face Willette. Nice organ sounds

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damn this Ellintong and Coltrane album sounds good user thx for the recommendation

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Nah, I still prefer his Prestige recordings to his Columbia stuff, and I know I'm not alone.