Yas Forums covers Ween

last thread Get in here, fuckers, were making a Ween cover album.
Claim a song you'd like to cover.

Songs claimed so far are:
It's Gonna Be Alright
The Blarney Stone (vocals only)
Push Th Little Daises
Birthday Boy
Captain Fantasy (vocals done, instruments still needed)
Exactly Where I'm At
She Wanted To Leave (Finished)
H.I.V. Song
Ode To Rene
Touch My Tooter
Your Party
Mister Would You Please Help My Pony
Cold Blows The Wind (Finished)
Big Jilm (Finished)
Don't Get 2 Close 2 My Fantasy
Mutilated Lips
If You Could Save Yourself (Finished)
Baby Bitch (Finished)
Sarah (Finished)
Strap On That Jammy Pac (Finished)
Mourning Glory (Finished)
Piss Up A Rope
What Deaner Was Talking About
Goin Gets Tough From The Get Go
Falling Out
Stallion Part 1 and 3
Pumpin 4 The Man
The Mollusk
Drifter In The Dark
Tender Situation (Finished)
Buckingham Green (Finished)

When your cover is done upload it to Vocaroo and post the link in the this thread or in the discord:

Attached: Ween dog.png (897x858, 594.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:


And thank you to everyone who's submitted songs and helped with this project so far

no prob mang

I claim spinal meningitis

When this is done, we should call this The Brown Album.

Primus already has that though unfortunately
I'm thinking it will be:
Yas Forums does ween
Yas Forums covers ween
Yas Forums plays ween

something like that

Yas Forums fucked up


Bananas And Blow has been claimed


spinal Yas Forumsningitis

The Shit Creek Mutants play Ween.

Yas Forumsshit destroyer

Ocean Man

Cold Blows the Wind user here, i'd like to do "Don't Let the Moon Catch You Cryin'"

Why did you make new thread when the other thread is neither dead nor near the bump limit

Because I wanted to add a link to the discord and update the claimed songs list

This isn't an album, it's more like three albums.

You could’ve just posted it in the other thread. Waste of a thread here

Willing to bet a lot of them won’t be delivered

OP could you make a pastebin with the vocaroos for the completed tracks? and put them in the OP next time?

good idea
here it is:

Gib me the mollusk

someone has already claimed the mollusk

Exactly Where I'm At free?

i am the user doing push th little daisies. i can do zoloft too if noone else wants to

also claimed

You'd be good to go with zoloft

Lmao we need to send this to Deaner once were finished he might like it

Either Deaner or Gener would like it. Deaner browse Facebook and Twitter regularly, so he might have a better chance of seeing it,

dang zoloft was a backup, what about flutes of chi?

Would anyone be willing to make me a doctor rock instrumental?? One of my fave songs and I’d sing my heart out for it