The Man Behind the Suit

>One of the first channels on YouTube that broke boundaries whilst remaining successful
>Respected by the whole of the YT community, as well as other huge media entities.
>Although his humor was primarily FUNNY SCREAM IN PINK SUIT!!!!, he remains one of YT's kings to this day
>Kept his identity on the down low since he wasn't fucking stupid
>Most songs on his Pink Guy alias' albums were actually decent, his rapping had good flow and there was notable signs of potential
>Made more serious music released on the side - also showed signs of potential
>Behind the camera, he seemed like a really chill guy to hang out with
>Although he wasn't a perfect 10, he could still manage his way and get a date or two

>Released a 6 track EP. Consisted of gay, distorted wailing in the background (which Bon Iver actually did well on tracks such as "Faith"), pathetic instrumentals and really weak lyrics. The last track was decent but it was released nearly two years prior and belongs as a part of his Soundcloud discography
>Contributed to his label's poor cashgrab attempt at creating a Brockhampton-like album. The songs he was featured on were garbage and his singles make everyone want to throw up
>Released his debut album. Had so much potential but flopped so hard. Bad instrumentals, poor singing, better lyrics yet still bad - not to mention the fucking Trippie Redd feature
>Contributed to his label's SECOND poor cashgrab attempt at creating a Brockhampton-like album. This time round he produced most of the instrumental, yet it still managed to be absolute shit. A small Indonesian kid who just blew up out of nowhere makes his years of building his career look like a trainwreck
>Released three singles - finally shows some sort of potential after 3 years of flops
>Every interview he's had makes him seem like a nu-male basedboy who's never spoken to a woman before
>Looks like he has more heroin pumping through his veins than blood

What went wrong, Yas Forums?

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Not to mention how much of a whiny, insecure bitch he is about his past

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It is actually quite simple: money. He just sold his soul and became the very sole thing he criticised for money.

fuck joji for being a weak bitch and not recognizing his filthy frank past

Poser then, poser now. I don't understand how people can look at something like 'Pink Guy' and think that these internet fucks aren't self-absorbed dweebs seeking approval from the peers who never paid them any attention.

I really don't like his music. If he'd go back to eating hair cake I'd like him more.

I always hated this guy when he was making that dumb edgelord shit in the mid-2010s. I really despised that whole era of ultra-edgy memes, and Filthy Frank was really the pioneer of that. I graduated high school in 2016 and remember the last year or two of school ALL the fucking kids kept quoting his dumb videos and it was utterly insufferable. A friend of mine, a grown god damn man, kept playing his Pink Guy album in the car and I lost all respect for him after that.

A few years later I see he's coming out trying to make an actual music career and what do you know, it's actually decent. I think his new singles are great and I'm looking forward to his 2nd album.

Basically just grow up OP. There was absolutely nothing appealing about that Filthy Frank shit contrary to popular zoomer belief. Joji's music might not be top of the range but he's proved himself to be someone who can contribute respectable music to the world, and not just cancerous "le edgy memes".

There's been several artists who've made it big whilst doing their own thing. Fuck it, Rich Brian's on the same label and he's trying his own take on shit.

ok george

Such a fucking beta male about it and in general

All YouTubers and media entities are self absorbent. Otherwise, they would never make it big. Greed and pride gets you far.

His Soundcloud music was decent, the Pink Guy shit was sorta funny whilst it lasted and his newest releases show potential. The rest are garbage.

With every big celebrity comes their annoying cocksuckers who would love to be jizzed on. Back then, it was the rejects he bullied. Now, it's ugly fangirls who desperately want dick.

I'm not saying all of his music is trash. I'm saying most music he's released under the 88 label have been real letdowns considering he has the capability of making much more interesting music. His new releases seem decent, and I hope his upcoming album Nectar really shines over his prior albums.

Also, I never said I liked his YouTube content. Notice how I mentioned how the content was just "FUNNY SCREAM IN PINK SUIT!!!!". It's the same lather rinse and repeat content people like Sam Hyde uses. I respect it since it was absolute garbage in reality yet so many people watched it. I'm glad he's grown out of that tiresome content, but I find the music he's making currently huge flops in comparison to the potential he holds.


>Also, I never said I liked his YouTube content. Notice how I mentioned how the content was just "FUNNY SCREAM IN PINK SUIT!!!!". It's the same lather rinse and repeat content people like Sam Hyde uses. I respect it since it was absolute garbage in reality yet so many people watched it.
Yeah, at the time I thought he was genuinely one of those edgy retards himself. In the years since, I realize he's smart enough that it was probably more of an astute business move. I hate the content he made on Youtube and I think it was responsible for a lot of how insufferably bad internet culture has become since the mid 2010s, but I can recognize he opened a lot of pathways for himself by being the pioneer of what he did and earning all that money and fame off of it.

>I'm glad he's grown out of that tiresome content, but I find the music he's making currently huge flops in comparison to the potential he holds.
The thing for me is that I just never knew he had any musical talent at all until he dropped his debut album. I genuinely thought he was just Filthy Frank and made the Pink Guy music, and that was his ENTIRE shtick in my mind. I thought he was going to die off and become one of those relics we look back on in 10 years time and think "holy shit, why did anyone find that garbage funny?" Like looking at lolcats from 2005 or old YTMND shit.

When I realized he was making music of any serious kind, and that he could sing and produce, I was like "holy shit, so he actually has the talent to pursue a career with longevity". In my mind he went from a total fraud to a respectable guy. Before 2018 I never followed anything he made musically other than the meme shit, so I had no expectations of what his "potential" might be. I just was quite pleasantly surprised to see that this guy who I genuinely despised years ago turns out to be a lot more talented than I ever expected.

>I realize he's smart enough that it was probably more of an astute business move.
Reminds me of the Dolos - the Greek God of trickery and guile.

>I think it was responsible for a lot of how insufferably bad internet culture has become
You're saying this on a website like Yas Forums... kek

>I just never knew he had any musical talent
His albums were an acquired taste and I enjoy them on occasion. That guy who you said blasted his album on repeat in his car was and still is a degenerate.

>I thought he was going to die off and become one of those relics we look back on in 10 years time
I mean, technically that's what happened with his channel, and I respect how ironically he was the one who made that happen.

I feel he has a lot of potential. Sanctuary and Run are a good start to his sophomore album, and call me a faggot but I really enjoy the sad, melancholy vibe Gimme Love's second half creates - reminds me of Radiohead and Bon Iver. I just feel if he tried a little bit harder, he'd really shine and normal people who don't use Reddit would view him as much more than a dude that leeched off his prior career to pioneer his shitty new one. Seriously, whenever I talk to someone about it, they ALWAYS bring up his past and how they enjoy it more. It's fucking depressing.

How could you listen to music made by someone so ugly?

ok george

who's the terrorist?



>only redditfags liked him
>hangs out around fat cut with no talent and ben shapiro of youtube drama
>ate vomit, hair and piss for attention

>literal superstar
>millions of listeners
>nobody even cares about his autistic past
>still making videos and traveling with his friends
>infinitely happier than you
contrarians lose again

Kind of unbelievable the hate boner Yas Forums has for this guy. So what if you don’t like his music? Moody alt-r&b artists are a dime a dozen, i don’t see why he triggers you so much more than others. I swear there’s a joji hate thread here every single day
Grow up OP

Never watched a Filthy Frank video; every time a friend tries to put me on to Joji, I feign interest and try to change the subject.

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his 2019 beard is fucking disgusting lmao i wouldnt say it qualifies as a beard just stupid looking

I fuck with his new career path and I've said his content before was Sam Hyde level above. It's just a shame he isn't utilizing his full potential.

Several replies are above where I've mentioned I like his music and don't hate the guy, I just don't get why he doesn't use the potential he has to completely move past his prior edgy career. Learn to read threads more.

Faggots that don't bother to read the rest of the thread lose again

His old beard was very patchy and could use a little bit of Minoxidil, but his new ones are fucking terrible

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based as fucj

right i dont get how people can be shitting on someone who used shit-tier edgelord humor to catapult themself into being one of the top artists in the world currently. his music isnt anything groundbreaking but the man is smart.

theyre mad that hes a mainstream hit

>I fuck with his new career path and I've said his content before was Sam Hyde level above. It's just a shame he isn't utilizing his full potential.

he's still pretty new to the mainstream music scene so id give it some time.

>I just don't get why he doesn't use the potential he has to completely move past his prior edgy career.

all things considered, hes done a pretty good job distancing himself from filthy frank. there is an entire part of his fanbase that has no clue that joji and filthy frank are the same person, let alone that filthy frank ever existed

The problem isn't how he utilized his shitty channel to become a Billboard 200 mainstream popstar. The problem is he isn't making the groundbreaking music he has the potential to make.

I don't give a fuck if he's mainstream or not, I have respect for the guy and actually listen to some of his releases under the 88 label. However, a lot of people, including myself, just have a feeling of wanting more when listening to him. He CAN make good shit - it's just for every good release he makes, there's at least 3 he doesn't deliver, and that ratio should be at least 1:1 if not 1:0.

>he's still pretty new to the mainstream music scene so id give it some time.
3 years is enough in my opinion. He's getting there though, I'll admit.

>hes done a pretty good job distancing himself from filthy frank
He has and I respect that a lot. He should acknowledge his past however, since it's pretty much the sole reason for where he is today.

theres literally thousands of artists that are mainstream hits. where are their threads? no where? fuck off retard. this is the same sort of argument that people say shit like "well he makes more money than u so hes better" fucking autist.

The entire 88rising label is shit "chill beats" music for Filipino diaspora kids named Kevin

This. That was such a pathetic response. There's loads of mainstream hits I feel are horseshit compared to Joji, but I know they don't have talent whatsoever - George does, and I want him to grow more than he is right now.

This isn't a "ASIAN DUDE BAD!! NO TALENTS BAD!!!!" thread, because I'm not fucking retarded - he has a lot of talent otherwise his channel wouldn't have grown and his music career wouldn't have popped off like it has.

I'll admit, the talent on his channel was more behind the scenes and how he got it to grow rather than the content itself.

Retarded Yas Forumscore autists strike again.

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>Brian's sophomore album showed he has a lot of talent for some Indonesian kid who taught himself how to speak English fluently, how to produce, how to rap, and how to sing in 3/4 years.

>NIKI seems like an Asian Ariana Grande which is a huge meh but she has a decent voice

>AUGUST 08 seems to have some sort of potential, I guess.

The rest are trash.

Oh, and George is okay. Feel he could be a lot better though.

fucking kek