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Other urls found in this thread:

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Rain is like the korean version of t.m. revolution

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Why is she spamming her Anti-Twice folder again?

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>new chink produce episode

Attached: EVMIO0pWsAASqlO.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1080, 137.92K)

at least Cub is less retarded than Momo although that's not an achievement.

I miss that maple leaf like you wouldn't believe.

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I just come here to post the girls I like

Attached: EW2hqcTVcAEflI1.jpg (1200x1800, 1.86M)

>MBK has resorted to hitting up Youtube reactors to help promote DIA
You can't make this shit up, KEK

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Want to have a threesome with jungsis

Stay Tonight

damned based

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They didn't let sera interview Eunice though wtf

Literally anybody would have had a hit with Gotta Go. It was a fluke for Chungha.

two sexy pair of feet

what about discussing their songs?

green nancy

Attached: 1588116696336.webm (1080x1920, 2.96M)

>kpop trolls
who come up with this shit?

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cuz of the vibrato?

>Hm. No Answer. Guess I am Yunadaddy

Attached: 1457445779871.jpg (480x360, 19.07K)

sinblasting to her perfect pussy

>why yes I post Korean Britney Spears every day how could you tell

where 2 cop?

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based sane bro

love this sexy white girl

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she's not for lewd

Roller Coaster is her most successful song

Stage performances have a similar vibe. I'm watching his mama 2008 performance. I know TMR isn't a heavy dancer though.

chinks should be nuked.

Attached: nanmu.webm (396x480, 1.99M)

pretty girl

Maybe someone in production saw how much kpop shit was posted on twitter and thought it would be a good idea?

missing my espocita hermosa SeolA like you wouldn't believe


Attached: 1587202684161.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

taemin is the straight version of gackt

This is exactly what I was reminded of lol

who IS the kpop britney
don't say Boa

Attached: 20171106 tbs 팩트인스타 이달의 소녀 진솔 - Singing in the Rain 💙 00.07.webm (1080x1920, 2.75M)

Successful in terms of what?

Gonna blast to the squid

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i struggle with these kind of attacks daily, buddy, it's been so difficult for me these days... *snif*

T-ara's early songs sounded like her

*quotes you and attaches a picture from my 10 GB basedboy folder*

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literally iu

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you mean taemin is the version of gackt that takes it up the ass

what are the criteria for a kpop britney

still thinking about Kid Minji....

who's the madonna, then? don't say choa

i too miss this cheeky puffy niña

Attached: Db9k4sZU8AAad5n.jpg (1500x1000, 153.22K)

Who else could it possibly be?

imagine choa singing like a virgin and k*klo scrambling to make excuses for what she meant by this

cutest slampig in the game

>shows full cleavage
>no shame
>bunny did the same during a fan signing but was embarrassed

i know it's just a pet name but i'd like to point out SeolA is, in fact, a fully mature independent woman

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The love of the public, platinum certifications, returns to the charts on every comeback.

seolahermanos are too powerful, when you think they are gone they show up in larger numbers

schizo would probably lash out on the entire site to the point where he gets a formal final warning to cease and desist

Tight squid...

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they just don't get it

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why should she feel shame?

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yes when she tries really hard, she is

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party rockers in the house tonight

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oh no no no

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it's a great song

we're a proud fanbase for a gorgeously talented young lady, of course our numbers won't ever be low

Who are you quoting?

>no chewy
shit thread

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looking really pretty here

She was embarrassed she had nothing to show! LMAO

That is something the fan has made themselves. Real printed cassettes always had some form of print on the cassette itself.

Have you ever used on for real? cassettes are not based at all.

Good hours start soon filled with Chew

i can tell a group will fail when they are full of identical square faced plastic uggos with small eyes

Gotta go could get platinum later since it took a while for roller coaster to do the same

Could benefit from some squid...

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slugs fucking head is as wide as her shoulders

what is in that sm water

>why do you think she plays games at all?

fucking plebs Yeonwoo plays a lot of games

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>slug head

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what a lAdy...

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ur moms greasy asshole

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>ur moms greasy asshole

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thread purified

it saddens my heart every time i see an ill post like that about my girls. not to excuse the falseflaggers but at least now none of them are minors, that's a relief

show me your legs :)


>roller coaster is at 286
>snapping is at 242
>gotta go is at 199
Gotta go seems to be the winner here
we need to save noonas...

When will nako debut jav


Dubus bright pink butthole

who quote?

Extremely proportional?

I forgot about minzy, I thought she disappeared

Minzy's only 26

for me its rOOooLller coaster AAahhaaHHHAAHHH
rollercoaster aAAaaAaaAAAhHHAaah

who are you quoting little bitch

omo so cute

ora sex provided y her to me, bro, fellatio

>who are you quoting?

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the Absolute stAte of my heArt

Attached: EWM2uU_UwAEvQ5A.jpg (960x960, 221.38K)

>did it work?
At this point let's just call BP as Lisa and Friends

L is a Man

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