Imagine taking popular music seriously

You guys do know popular music is just a way for (((labels))) to make easy money by appealing to common denominators, while neglecting and sometimes completely nullifying any artistic ambition behind it, right? Popular music by definition cannot be art, because it is designed to sell as many copies as possible, at best it can have some artistic elements that are extremely watered down and simplified so that the average listener doesn't feel overwhelmed. Normal people that listen to top 40 pop are unironically more intelligent than pseuds who listen to RYM and Yas Forumscore because they understand this kind of music is for entertainment only.

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I don't listen to music, I just shitpost here.

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What if I listen to RYM and Yas Forumscore for entertainment only though?

art isn't a tool to make easy money either? what do you think has more artistic integrity? a great motown pop song or a shark in a vat? lmao

music is music, it has nothing to do with art, and anyone who tries to intertwine the both is a fucking mong - you get insincere faggots like frank zappa, who gave himself cancer cos his music was so shit.

music has been art long before it has been pop
listen to Bach before shitting up the board with such a retarded post.

>art isn't a tool to make easy money either
if you're referring to those money laundering schemes, no one gives a fuck about those

>music is music, it has nothing to do with art
what does this even mean, music is art by definition

imagine giving a shit about whether something is popular or not. find your pleasures where you can

That's not what OP means. He means popular as in opposed to art and traditional music.

you completely missed the point

composers literally wrote music for whoever paid them the most you fucking imbecile

ok, and?

this. that's why Beethoven wrote Fidelio twice because some retard french folks didn't like the first one.

>ok, and?

so according to you, popular and classical music are identical because there's someone financing the artist?

the type of “soulless” industry money-making you bitch about in your 70IQ post has always existed. I mean for fucks sake composers regularly took contracts with patrons for certain numbers of years


why would I want to listen to some crusty harpsichord shit about jebus when I could listen to seminal brit rock classic "Bring it on Down"? lmao fuck off classical nerd, I should punt you in the face, be happy you are on the internet

>music is art by definition
ah is that why it is called music, strange

Do you think film afficianados dismiss any movie that was made to be played at theaters across the country/world and turn some kind of profit? No, many or even most of their favorite or widely-regarded-as-best films were exactly such commercial projects. Yeah, they also pay attention to arthouse releases that are the exact opposite of this, but they realize that a film can be supremely great or utterly dogshit regardless of which category it falls into. Literature afficianados take a similar stance with the novels and plays and poems and so on that they appraise. In fact, the only people in the world who are so far up their own ass they can't make this simple realization are classicalfags. In this sense, classicalfags are the biggest retards in the world of art appreciation and criticism.

And anyway lots of classical music was made to turn a profit and lots of music in the "popular" and especially folk traditions was made solely for the beauty and artistry of it.

Sculptures are art as well. Why do we call them sculptures? Are you familiar with the concept of subsets?


music has been art long before it has been pop.
it's as simple as that, keep seething.

nobody cares if you have the most groundbreaking and experimental stroke game if you're dick isnt enjoyable or accessible to others

anything is accessible. just listen to it


then you are a pleb? I don't know what to say to you

bitch shut the fuck up. you dont fucking know what you're talking about. you're not going to truly understand traditional music or avant garde compositions without a deep understanding of theory and rudimental knowledge of music history. the only people who give a shit are fucking nerds who think theyre special for listening to dogshit because its more technically challenging and non commercial. bitch lick my ass.

you think it's much more advanced than it really is. this is why you'll never understand.

Oo this thread is ebic

wait a sec r u tellin me popular music was made for mass consumption? i totally didnt know that this has been known for 50+ years

its time consuming. you can sink 1000 hours into studying music theory to understand bach's organ pieces but at the end of the day you're listening to some dusty ass bullshit that people only pretend to like to impress other people on the internet that they'll never meet and that will never respect them.I fucked your mom and afterwards she said how much she hated her retard son that listens to xenakis to pretend that he has a personality

thanks it took a lot of effort

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>you're listening to some dusty ass bullshit that people only pretend to like
imagine thinking fucking bach is somehow inaccessible, the absolute state of Yas Forums

Yeah this is the bad thing, classicalfags like OP are missing out on a ton of great music but so are people who never listen to classical

>imagine thinking fucking bach is somehow inaccessible, the absolute state of Yas Forums
this, i want poptimists gassed

the only thing more accessible than your retard avant teen persona is your moms asshole

just listen to avant-garde rock? which is usually more concept than theory, and more enjoyable for someone like you.

No one pretends to like classical you absolute idiot, it's very enjoyable and pleasant music, hell they even make babies listen to that shit. You might have a point with 20th century stuff like Xenakis but saying people pretend to like Bach is literal retardation.

>just listen to rock
you're a joke

>No one pretends to like classical you absolute idiot
he says on Yas Forums

so you don't even know any rock music other than ACDC, Lynrd Skynrd and Boston? you must be the joke here.

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Yas Forums doesn't even bother with classical, the Yas Forumscore chart doesn't even have classical. At most you get avant-teen RYM trannies that pretend to like Serialism, EAI and that shit

neu and all other "deep avantgarde" shit you think is super obscure is pop music the same as ACDC

you dont even understand the words youre using