/gg/ - guitar & bass general

>tfw only a Gibson™ is good enough

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Whats the best way to record music in this current year?
I haven't ever tried it before
also am I too old to start a good rock/metal band at 26?

Fender Asukacaster.

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>no links
how the fuck am i supposed to learn guitar now faggot? you really shit the bed on this one op

hee hee hee

Fender Jaguar underappreciated I think. Sam Fender bringing it back I hope. Tele is good for clean tone but I prefer Jag to be honest.

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almost but not exactly

Who are you replying to, idiot?

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Just download a free DAW and a buy a DI to get started. There is a bunch of stuff about it in the prod general links section.

You could also buy a cheapo 8 track off eBay and go the hardware route.

Previous thread:

Buy your guitars from Gibson, they donated the maximum amount of money allowed by the law to Trumps reelection campaign.

Buy your pedals from JHS, Josh hates gays and blacks.

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>a fucking guitar

so this is the power... of american manufacturing....

MIGApede products. No thanks. I think I'll buy Chinese only who put Muslims in human camps.

Pretty based

Chinese will put you into a camp too retard

Good. Anything is better than this shithole known as /gg/. Fucking end me.

this is fucking stupid, just get a used american standard for $800 and fuck off


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Looks very professional. Thanks, m8. Maybe there's a Gibson in my future after all.

I really don't mind someone dark skinned making my shit, they might be blacks but they're not niggers.
Samuel is a nigger because he chooses proudly to be ignorant and act highly on his ignorance and poverty, doing minimal effort to not starve himself out while being smug about it, whereas that black woman isn't a nigger because she made something of herself and acquired knowledge and skills to pull herself out of poverty and land a job at Gibson out of possibly tens of applicants.
Being a nigger is a state of mind

Slimey greasey best up ‘upgraded’ fender for $900 when a performer can be haggled to that price easy

>I play an Epiphone

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that guy a couple of threads back who bought that prs strat and ended up sending it back cos it was shite

I wonder what gear spammer is doing right now.

>giving as fuck about other human beings.

I have a seller holding out for a grand. He's "firm," which means he doesn't want to pay the quitter's tax. It has already been a month. If something else comes along before another month passes, it will be his tough luck because I'm not seeing a lot of guitars being sold right now. What I am seeing is people relist their guitars with new photos after a week or two... They have us all fooled, lol.

Marry me.

What wah do you fags use

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This is the most wholesome post in the last 100 threads

What are you guys working on this morning?


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I knew a loyal fan would mention the Kin/gg/™ sooner or later. If we give it the old college try we can beat last thread's numbers easily!

>5 off

>restring JM with 11’s coming from 10’s
>re-setup everything. Give truss rod a quarter turn, re-intonate, and adjust trem
>stretch strings
>everything perfect, basically
>wake up this morning and guitar is sharp

Granted it was 100 degrees last night and 70 this morning and AC inside adjusted accordingly. Is this basicaly unavoidable?

which one is that

If he was up your ass you'd know.