Worst album cover thread

fuck this is bad

Attached: dance of death.png (600x600, 746.17K)

you start

for so!e reason I always liked that iron maiden. Looks like it's intentionally going for some uncanny valley cgi style hell vibe. I found out in the end they just fucked it up but I still like my original theory.

The album its self is pretty decent to be fair, from what I understand the cover was unfinished and after David Patchett worked on it, it was more-or-less outsourced to a college student, resulting in it looking like that.

Here's the 2018 Rod Stewart album 'Blood Red Roses', really dislike the look of it.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1500x1500, 280.76K)

I'll always laugh at the fact that they were so easily impressed by a rough draft, and that the artist was so horrified that he refused to be credited. It's a bizarre fumble from a band that normally has such amazing album art. Also, while we're on the subject of metal pic related is one of the most amazingly bad alvum covers the genre ever produced.

Attached: 2670.jpg (557x557, 43.75K)

This would be okay if it wasn't rod stewart

The font really seals the deal. The art is pretty okay though

Attached: Grinder.jpg (2859x2859, 3.13M)

Attached: blind-guardian-a-night-at-the-opera-album-cover-600x600.jpg (600x600, 95.95K)

>"hi I need you to draw an orchestra with fantasy races"
>lol wats an orchestra
>oh yeah and how do I draw faces

Blind Guardian really fumbled on that one. Their album art was never amazing, but at least in the 90s they had nice hand drawn fantasy art that was comfy. This shit is an abomination.