Remember when people used to know Varg for his music?

Remember when people used to know Varg for his music?

Now more people know him for his wewuzzing and retarded videos instead of his music.

Attached: varg kek.png (594x500, 393.86K)

Move to Brittany, they still speak it there.

it sucks that he's got a bunch of baggage that prevents him from being a useful leftist interested in the ancient wounds of rome.

I have loved Burzum for years and I will not stop doing so because he's too based for oversocialised spiritual homosexuals

the modern day inhabitants of bretagne migrated there from the celtic regions of the british isles, they're not descendant from the ancient gauls

I love how this guy praises and references Tolkien's works While hating Christianity. Tolkien created Middle Earth in an act of sub-creation in praise of the Christian God and Jesus. To,keen and C.S. Lewis were devout Christians.

I'm drunk so I made a lot of typos there but my point still stands. Varg's hatred of Christianity and love of Middle-Earth is hypocritical.

He tried to claim a while back that Tolkien was actually just a Pagan masquerading as a Christian but deleted the Tweet when people pointed out to him what an absolute fucking retard he sounded like suggesting that a man in WW1/2-era England was forced into Catholicism. Plus as you point out, the fact he brought CS Lewis into Christianity.

Varg's honestly a fucking dumbass.

Haha yeah. It's funny how Lewis is one of the most renowned Chriatian writers of the past 100 years and Tolkien was the one that helped convert him. Tolkien did take some inspiration from Germanic pagan beliefs, but he was profoundly Christian.

I have no issue with Varg's pagan beliefs. But his hatred of Christianity is just fucking retarded.

Varg probably dislikes Julius Caesar, because Viekernes is the one used to stab his friends in the back

Varg's ideology: What is the edgiest thing I can do/say at any given moment?

While you were out partying, he was studying the pencil

Attached: file.png (585x489, 199.21K)

>I did not participate in the fall of man
>kills someone because they hurt his feelings

Okay retard

Why is he dressed like a faggy larper?

>muh forebears


I can't believe people take this dipshit seriously.

Forgot pic

Attached: 286.jpg (640x960, 88.67K)

forebears and two twinks ago amiright

>Remember when people used to know Varg for his music?

No. Even before he was released from prison he was talked about more because of his crimes.

>implying anyone does

Meanwhile Fenriz was having a great time and still made 3 10/10 albums

Attached: fenriz.jpg (474x780, 56.91K)

But Varg made 4.

Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he was more popular than Varg
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes goes on twitter rants about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut, use a dry toilet and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND

also he now says music was never his main passion, tabletop gaming is

Like most neo-pagans he's forever butthurt that his unga bunga nature deities got made utterly irrelevant by a real religion.

pretty based desu

>He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
Is this true? Lmao

To be fair, the early Burzum stuff is great. I say this as a Christian that thinks his ideology is retarded.

Literally too based for Yas Forums as this thread proves.

Varg is the epitome of "based retard"

In his writings on his website, he claims that the "evil" characters in LOTR are representations of pagans, and relates to them. I'm actually willing to believe this is something he actually believed in from the get go since he named himself after an orc, one of his old bands was named uruk hai, references in his music, etc.

>I dindu nothang
>burned a fucking church and killed a dude

Filosofem, Burzum, and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

What's the fourth?

>I didn't partake in the fall of man
>burns a church (aka a religious community hub)
>somehow doing that is not degenerate as fuck

Sure, so in the brief period before Euronymous experienced death by lamp he was best known for his music.

I study my fedora too sometimes.
occasionally I even tip it.
but mostly I'm full of shit.

>He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn

God, is this true?

Those were the days! Anyone remember Yas Forums back then? We sure did love MPP and ITAOTS!

He still makes music, it's just mostly bland atmospheric instrumental stuff

Nothing as good as Rundgang that's for sure



This honestly raises more questions. All the villains are pagans, yet somehow he still thinks Tolkien was a secret pagan? Does he actually think that as Lord of the Rings was being written Tolkien was thinking to himself "man fuck this Frodo guy, Saruman is who I'm really rooting for." I know Varg is barely coherent even on a good day, but this just makes no sense.



Don't forget his tabletop game.

To add on top of all of that - Varg calls himself "Gandalf" on Twitter. Gandalf is obviously and Istari which seem to descend from Iluvatar, Who is obviously a representation of the Christian God.

Varg's ideology makes no sense.

Yeah the "tolkien was a secret pagan" thing was a bad take but it's not far off the beaten course for the normal shit he says. I doubt he really thought that in his youth.

My favorite party of this tweet is where Varg is writing an English, a language created largely from an Anglo-Saxon invasion, a viking invasion, and a Norman invasion.

Bretons are literally just British people. Pictured is me, of British descent, closest to people from Brittany despite having zero french or breton ancestry.

They're literally celtic britons that left after anglos invaded

Attached: distancetome.jpg (293x521, 42.32K)

There should've been a scene in lords of chaos of varg getting his ass kicked in DnD, that would've really ignited his autism lmao

>muh atmosphere!! le stereo system in place of a guitar amp meme!!1!
dude please don't be stupid