songs with this aesthetic?
Songs with this aesthetic?
just shoot me bros...
flo rida - whistle
god I love women
if I was stuck on an island with them even if they found me repulsive they would eventually have to subjugate themselves completely to me if they wanted to not starve to death
Butts too big
Eh, never liked that song, tbqhwy.
keep dreaming incel
fine. you have chosen rape
Im so horny
That's a good one
Is it gay that that photo makes me want to be one of the girls?
yes you're a fag
this movie is such a piece of gen X trash
Depends. What’s your opinion on Radiohead?
no i have been wishing i had a pusy for years
Who takes the photo?
Lots of guys buy expensive cameras and pretend to be photographers and go on "photo shoots" with girls who are too ugly to be actual models. The girl then proceeds to post all the pictures on Instagram without crediting him.
Chad’s socially awkward friend Thomas.
i bet that place really looks like shit in real life lol
Tyrone Wallace-Jones
Hey that's me. Name and everything. Stop!!
they don't care about climate change, aren't they?