Mfw when people listen to individual songs and not their entire albums or EP's

>mfw when people listen to individual songs and not their entire albums or EP's

fucking plebeians man

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I'm physically unable to listen to individual songs anymore. I wish I could be plebeian again.

imagine being 40 years old

i miss being able to hit the shuffle button

I like to understand the greater context of emotions in relation to the album.
I'm 19.

>I'm 19.
yeah.. and a fucking retard

t. 24 year old who has a playlist of 500 "bangers", probably hasn't listened to their respective albums

t. a slightly autistic 19 year old who still gets mad at his mom for listening to a fleetwood mac compilation CD

My name is Quintus and I'm a member of the patrician society and based department. Who the fuck are you?

somebody who doesn't have aspergers

t. faggot with superiority complex that probably unironically uses vinyl

your presence on Yas Forums says otherwise

>that probably unironically uses vinyl
correction: buys vinyl but doesn't actually use it, just claims to

Why do you care how others listen?

I can't respect anyone's music taste that doesn't at least have a few albums that they enjoy back to front like a film.

when i first listen to new music, i always listen to it as the full release, to get any context that could be gathered from that, but then if i like the album i add the full thing to my playlist and i find myself still being able to put myself into the context of release without hearing the whole thing as i've done it before

>the only correct way to enjoy albums, as whole bodies of work

Example of a album of mine:

>Song 1: Oboe solo
>Song 2: ``Ambient music`` track that last 20 mins
>Song 3: Flute interpretation of the birth of a horse
>Song 4: An absolute fucking banger
>Song 5: 7 mins of bongos playing tribal rhythms
>Song 6: Another fucking banger
>Song 7: Wind blowing on random metal instruments
>Song 8: ``The beauty of silence (extended version)``

If you were in my position you would skip some songs

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shameless dude

Give me one reason why I should sit through a track I don't like?

Good pacing makes albums better

I used to be listen to "only listen to individual songs" then from like 17-25~ only did full albums/EPs unless it was a single from an upcoming album. Now I do both.

>the bad parts make the good parts better
You fool.

I just do both depending on what mood I'm in

>when people had no prior musical listening experience before letting a vietnamese basketweaving website tell them how to listen to music

this tbqh
i've been here almost 10 years now and i realized albums were a meme after a few years here

They do.

literally yes

god this board is so fucking gay

I don't think there is a single being on this website that doesn't have that.

you do you, little buddy