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Seulgi post.

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Now I know why I never care for korean ballads, the vocals are never anything special when they're supposed to be better than usual

thank god, i thought this webm was going to end with her singing

ill take this 40+ woman any day over tay tay

Singing in Korean isn't difficult, you have to listen to their English or Italian covers to see how good they really are.

cute slug

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>Kim Jong Un may be at North Korea resort compound after satellite images spot luxury boats
waifuposters left seething

>being this much of a vocalshitter

>kpg tries to discuss music

ah taylor swift...
still remember this hilarious video when she thought she had a chance against the monsters of music

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thoughts about this cover? it's very good imo

Can't enjoy nonexistent choreography now can i?

singing isn't about being the best it's about the vibe


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korean ballads problem is the shitty and formulaic music
most ballads are shit and formulaic but korea takes it to nxt lvl

looks like roastie hours to me

pretty cute

They also all sound the same, Koreans really do seem to lack originality, that's most likely why they get Americans to make their music

>most ballads are shit and formulaic but korea takes it to nxt lvl
nah it's the same where i live and it's fucking obvious that ballads are supposed to be formulaic

Choi Yoo Jung

can someone post that jisun photo where she is looking back and has a funny sad pouting expression on her face

my favorite jinsoul webm... so adorable

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>compares daft punk to anything

come on now user they are the kings of edm while she isnt really anything special
post good ballads

retards shitpost here 16 hours a day and still don't know anything but rv, twice and bp

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how did a country devolved so much anons?

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imagine... just IMAGINE thinking you have any kind of chance against fucking daft punk

hey now calling us retards aint that nice

when did they shoot these? june 2019?

Cold war is over

It's alright. Nothing special.

bts is the poison

I know that twice and bp suck
also that non rv title tracks are shit too

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post eunha

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choreos have become too complex and difficult which is why pretty much everyone lip syncs now and when they don't it sounds awful because it's breathing sounds 90% of the performance

even yg had good singers at one point

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One in a million

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I don't even mind it I just don't want it to be 90% of a show

pooga is one of the worst examples at least use one of the mx dudes

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she knows what she does to me doesn't she...

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one benis to rule them all

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iu and suga
bol4 and bacon

who wins

mental illness

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