What did RYM mean by this?

What did RYM mean by this?

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AE is better than both of those albums and even then it's just a 6/10.

>Danny Brown
Oh so I'm assuming it's the stereotypical shit about selling drugs, being rich, fucking hoes and shooting people with muh gang?
Never heard it but

The correct order should be: Blood on the Tracks, Atrocity Exhibition, Black Sabbath.


You couldn't be more off the mark, but damn. This is your brain on Prager U.

What is it about then?

Fuck off libtard

as someone who loves sabbath and dislikes danny: how do you honestly focus so hard on lyricism without sonics and context lmao

Damn you really got him user! I'm stealing this totally OC post and posting it to leddit for upboats. Karma is a bitch, but my leddit gold be rich.

>Prager U.
Who you replied to and only heard of this name in passing, who is this

Coping with aging, not being "with it" anymore, and avoiding getting pulled back into self-destructive habits. His music is focused more on introspection and expressing vulnerabilities rather than engaging in shallow posturing. Though I think conservahicks would dislike it even more for that reason.

Bleach drinker, pls.


Fucking cringe ass thread.

You totally owned that libtard bro! High arm streched out at a roughly 45 degree angel!

Why do leftists have to ruin everything? Keep your shitty political opinions to yourself.

Freeze peach, bb.

Death to you, sodomite.

>t. got a degree in women's studies from Prager U

Your grandkids are gonna be brown. Inshallah.

I'm not a neo-con, and let's be real, a leftist such as yourself is much more likely to have a gender studies degree than me.

Wow, very original. Good job.


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Rap is garbage but the other two albums are just as bad, if not even worse because they're historically acclaimed despite being shit; as most popular music is.

Oh yeah, you're one of those "libertarians" who just happens to peddle the same insults and dishonesty as leftists. My apologizes.

Zoomies can't into based Sabbath.


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Stimulating conversation as always. Now please go dilate.

Not the guy you're responding to, but you're like a blind dude punching wildly in all directions hoping to hit a target. Perhaps the real enemy is inside you.

Thanks but no thanks, faggot.

>Now please go dilate.

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I hate when people posture this bad and don't actually provide any good music. In my opinion if you call a genre outright bad, you probably have very shallow taste. what is not garbage?

>what is not garbage?
Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, etc.

describe “leftist” to me rn, go ahead man

souless music. Please leave this board.

Anything she disagrees with.

the gay side of the political spectrum

The rejection of capitalism, and workers own the means of production and usually progressive on social issues.

If every leftist is a socialist, then why is Biden running vs Trump rather than Bernie?