This will be the new pleb filter...

This will be the new pleb filter. People who listened to Beach Life-In Death then assumed every song Will ever made should be like are furious.

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This album is objectively bad. Will's "experimentation" is more electronic sounds is objectively amateurish and embarassing.

It's not even that experimental. This isn't Mr. Bungle we're talking about here. I like it for different reasons.

Mr Bungle is unlistenable garbage. MADLO is listenable garbage.

but that's ridiculous
everyone loves how to leave town, which for the most part sounds nothing like blid
madlo is just a bad album, sorry

you should literally stop listening to music forever if you think deadlines (thoughtful) and weightlifters are embarrassing and amateurish.

The album isn't out yet? Why has everyone heard it except for me? I'm Will's biggest fan for christ sake where is it??

Papa roach - not listening

Weightlifters is an absolute dull song with a terribly annoying nonstop droning synth that ruins anything that could be redeemable about the track. These synths are the definition of amateurish, you fucking ignoramus.

Deadlines (Thoughtful) is an AMATEUR take on electro-house. They are trying to make club tracks and it sounds embarassing to say the least. The arpeggiated groove is corny as hell.

MADLO is so embarassing it almost feels like a parody at times.

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It is, but thats sort of expected. Theyve never done anything electro before
I hope this means their next album will be fucking amazing, just treat this as an EP

don't care for your stabs at "objectivity", but you are correct

is Mr. Bungle a comparison, or just your idea of what "experimental" music is?

this is the only good response and the thread is now over

All of Will's music up to this point has been incredibly diverse and still great. Even on Twin Fantasy you have Bodys, Cute Thing, and High to Death which are nothing like Beach Life-in-Death. Monomania, Nervous Young Man, and How to Leave Town each have their own sound too.

Life Worth Missing has some SUSPECT lyrics but its also one of the best non singles, next to famous and weightlifters

>don't care for your stabs at "objectivity", but you are correct
Childhood is thinking the quality of music is subjective

The silver lining to the tracklist being such a clusterfuck is I have no qualms making my own, adding all three versions of Deadlines and removing Famous as the final track.

>removing Famous as the final track.
I think we can all agree that Famous was a terriblle mistake. What the fuck were they thinking? It completely fucks up the glorious ending of There Must Be More Than Blood. It's like eating a small turd after enjoying your sandwich.

i agree, thank you :)

Jesus fucking christ just listened to the digital version of Hollywood, what an embarrassment. The vinyl version was so-so, this version is straight up cingey.

What's suspect

how to leave town is one of my favourite albums of all time
madlo is bad

that's not how it works

>Theyve never done anything electro before
someone didnt listen to how to leave town

half of it is truly, really bad EDM. i think the rest of the songs are good but kinda disappointing considering they had 4 years to make this shit

it leaked

damn, i actually like weightlifters the most out of songs that hadn't been released yet. makes me want to dance. you can tell it's what they're going to come out on stage to during their next tour

It's pretty awful at it's best and completely unlistenable at its worst.

An embarrassment of the highest order.

this isn't real.

anyone seen a real digital/cd leak yet?

this ain't bad, why is everyone freaking the fuck out?

if you choose the rockier versions its a great album.

this could ruin his career though--he'll be hated on forever now

Everyone here always overreacts to everything. I don't really care for the album, but I don't think it's awful. Just a middle of the road kind of album.

His lyrics have gone down the drain. Teens of Denial was a decline but still had a few good lines, this is just boring.

The appeal of his early electronic stuff was the simplicity, this just sounds like overloaded crap. You know its bad when you start ripping off yourself (The Ending of Dramamine > Life Worth Missing)