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Never liked this cunt’s music. Got double reason to dislike him now desu.

What happened?

He basically admitted to fucking dogs

wait for real

Uhhh source or are you just making it up, I already know this fag is a furry

>Yes! My hate is justified!
Stop being a sperg


I am sick. Physically sick

yeah seriously give a source

lol what is this, twitter?

gimme da sauce
nothings gonna stop me from listening to pic related but im willing to drop all his other albums

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Not bestiality. A lot of his furry friends are big time pedophiles. He personally thanked 4lung (pic related) in the liner notes of Twin Fantasy. He’s making some big attempt to scrub his involvement with this crowd from the internet, but refuses to repudiate the pedo shit.

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>Not bestiality. A lot of his furry friends are big time pedophiles. He personally thanked 4lung (pic related) in the liner notes of Twin Fantasy.
Yeah I know this and I have a copy of Twin Fantasy with 4lung written inside, pisses me off

That furfag seems to be talking about wanting to be young. Any proof he's actually a diddler?

oh no no no

Kind of your fault for choosing to listen to a furfag artist who was always known to associate with furfag pedos.

Also, let’s be real, Will was a hardcore Yas Forums user and shilled his music here in the early 2010s. He was obviously always going to be into some deeply fucked up shit. Was a matter of time til people caught on.

It shouldn't matter anyways, we should not tolerate this degenerate scum

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you know he's unironically into diapers, right?
like what drives a man...

Maps is a euphemism for pedophile so the fat that they are now trying to use another euphemism clearly shows where their real sympathies lie (fucking your children of course). If you zoom in you can see 4lung mentioned by a pear child-fucker

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>degenerate scum
>23 & 16
Legal in most places.

degeneracy is legal in general

God why is discord so cancerous, cringe and associated with these creatures. It's not even the apps fault, just why

> babyfurs are letting real children into their disgusting fetish cult

What more do you need boys

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i want to fuck him though user


I can’t distinguish between discord or twitter or reddit. FB YT and IG are just normies but those others are just hordes of gaslighting emotionally unstable zombies

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Cate has some fucked up shit too

>Legality is all that matters

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will has since removed 4lung from the thanks of the bandcamp page for face to face. just something to think about. and cate took the gas off of her fuckshit it seems.

haven't we always known he's a furry and a pedo? Not being a dick. Just how is this news?


>Will Toledo associated with peter pan fags
oh god countdown until taking HRT and eventually killing xerself

That's the exact opposite of my point you fucking retard.

someone needs to email matador and pitchfork

is he actively being cancelled by twitter for this? Or is this just a reminder? Isn't all this so, so old?