How old were you when you grew out of listening to Black Flag?

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like 19

More like blacked fag

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I was never gay

15 or so

I was never into Black Flag, their sound just never clicked with me. I did like a couple of their early Keith Morris songs, but that led me more to liking the Circle Jerks. There are some bands that were completely informed by their My War-era stuff who I love, like Eyehategod. I even like Henry Rollins as a speaker a lot. But for some reason, their sound never grabbed me, despite my liking a lot of their contemporaries, like Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Germs, and X.

They're right, you know.

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well that just makes no sense therefore i don't believe you

Hasn't happened yet

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how do i get a boy like this to date me?

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Never really liked them, not sure why. I like a lot of punk too

Advertise your exquisite taste in music

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what music does he put on during sex?

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really hot puffy nipples honesty

ezra miller is so based

would you let them choke you?

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I thought about this for a while, sorry

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god i wish he would. i am much smaller than that girl, he could choke me out easy


Would like to see him try but it would not be easy

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that was nice you respected Ezra's pronouns btw

The Keith material is ok, the Ron material is great, the Dez material is ok, and the Rollins material ranges from boring and inessential to completely terrible.

Ezra listens to SOPHIE

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Muh War though

Oh yeah, that I did know familia

Attached: - Ezra Miller dancing to Joy Division_88SQ4B94N2I_1080p.webm (608x854, 2.1M)

>Someone gets it

Black flag is werdly like the Grateful Dead. Only certain recorded material is really good, and the overall legacy lies in the live experience. Ron Reyes era sounds best on records (along with a few Dez era songs) but Rollins was the more notorious and longest lasting frontman.

My War fucking blows ass. Influential, but terrible.

Hank wasn’t even good live. His stage presence was awkward and corny. Looks cool in photos, sure, but in motion his stage moves looked like shit. That shit was a character to him, vs Ron Reyes just getting super into it and launching himself around. Ron was a better singer and I’d argue that his stage presence, what little documentation there is of it, ended up predicting/influencing (good) modern punk far more than Rollins.

I want to be his boyfriend

me too user :(

why does he dance like a crackhead?

Well you would have to share him with me too

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You dont like Family Man?

What's so shitty about the assault thing that happened is that Ezra has been and still is so cool with most random people and hangs out with them, but now is gonna be terrified of shit like this happening again.

>they assaulted that woman!
>they’re such a victim I feel so bad :(
What user said:

Attached: dance (2).webm (204x360, 2.93M)

omg even more based

They’re pretty good whatever

It may have been wrong but I don't believe it was one-sided and I think it's reasonable to want to know what that woman was doing or saying to him. There's also people who have looked at the video who feel it's a martial arts demonstration and not even an actual assault:
It's just so out of context and too short of a video to make a full extrapolation without much more information, and most of the discussion is speculation-based.
I guess I meant more that the fallout from this will make him terrified of getting near randos.

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