

Attached: EWzoaEdWoAAC4xB.jpg (1024x1024, 186.33K)

why is pinochet in this? what the hell is this thing

Why is Pinochet there?

What the fuck? Americans have reached vomit inducing levels of idiocy and grotesque post irony.

BASED damo pesos has done it again


It's a bunch of youtubers, guy witht he beard is sargon of akkad (I think?) and pinochet represents dame pesos, a chilean guy who uses pinochet as avatar. Guy with the baby also looks like mundane matt which is someone he's always making fun of.

>a chilean guy
nah he's mexican


Why is my favorite politican in history on this?

>he's mexican
He's from Chile, last year he kept going about how they're in civil war, at least he lives in Chile.

Sargon isn't that good

That's supposed to be Sargon? Looks like Jon Favreau

Attached: Jon-Favreau-at-the-Deauville-Film-Festival-in-September-2014.jpg (500x700, 70.51K)

MundaneMatt makes boring content. Hes been at youtube for over 10 years now. Cant earn a living off of it so he drives for Uber eats.

I think he is, I don't know why they show him a in positive light though, they hate him as much as matt iirc

Attached: SargonOfAkkad-800x458.jpg (800x458, 33.84K)

I wonder if Lincoln knew whitebois would be perpetually paranoid about white women cheating on them with black men when he ended slavery.

Must be a penis insecurity thing. Like the second amendment.

>google jarbo the hutt
>get his reddit user profile as a result

What the fuck am I looking at?
Grow up

augusto pinochet triggers libtard sjw
like and subscribe for more


Fags just don't know how bad things were in the 70s, every country in latin america had their own commie "revolutionary" army, guys like Pinochet were necessary if you didn't want to end up like Cuba.

>if you didn't want to end up like Cuba.
you mean free healthcare, education, and food?

is that JLP

>he believes their lies

Why haven't you moved there?

>automatically assumes socialist countries are lying but believes without even a tiny bit of skepticism every ounce of propaganda pushed by the west
lmao right wingers are a joke.

who are you quoting?

I happen to live in a socialist country and know a few people who lived in cuba, some went to study there because they believed that their education was so good, not only the education wasn't that good, they barely had any food and didn't have paper to wipe their own fucking ass.

oh my god imagine thinking this is an epic own
>lol if socialism is so good how come u don't move to a socialist country checkmate xD
socialism undeniably made Cuba a better place, you can repeat whatever propaganda you want to about Castro but he was better than fucking Batista. yeah, maybe living in the imperial core is cushier than a country that's been bullied by the west for its whole existence, so what? also, if you like capitalism so much, why don't you move to an asian special economic zone and experience it at its purest and least restricted?

>moving the goalpost

Life is better there, so why not move there? Why can't you answer the question?

embarrassing post

The only e-celeb thing I ever really followed was the Ballad of Mundane Matt, I'm glad this is still going on and this is very funny and well made


Is that supposed to be straight hair? On a black person?

not sure when I did that but yeah epic logic moment
>Life is better there
Never claimed this lmao. I'm sure in some respects it's easier living there than in America. I'm also sure things can be nicer inside the American empire than in the countries it bullies.
not an argument

Is this a Nirvana tribute album

So you're retarded. Thanks for clearing that up.

>not an argument
no shit retard, I was just calling your post embarrassing

not an argument

Why would I argue with a retard?

>not sure when I did that but yeah epic logic moment
When you went from "socialism is good" to "socialism is better than a despotic state run by the mafia."


>no shit I didn't actually rebut anything, I wasn't even trying!
stop posting then retard
why do right wingers go back and forth between caring about le facts and logic and being too smart to debate anything

Idk but you're still retarded

not an argument

Libertarians are the cringiest faggots of all the ideologues.

if you count ancaps as libertarian then yes


liberals successfully transformed the word cuck into simp because using cuck as an insult is problematic, because there's nothing wrong with watching your wife fucking big buck black men

>it wasn't real capitalism!11!!
lol. liberal western states rely on hellholes like Cuba under Batista retard. socialism being the only better alternative to that is proof that "socialism is good" nice try though, logic king

Hey maga patriot this take is pretty epic!

i think its more cuck is associated with magapedes and kekistanis. they used to use it ironically to make fun of right wingers who used it seriously