Let's settle this once and for all:

Let's settle this once and for all:
Is bass guitar easier than regular guitar?

Thinking on this logically one would think so seeing as bass has only 4 strings while guitar has 6. Guitar has chords where bass only plays individual notes. Thoughts?

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bass is easy to play, but hard to play well

They're both just as hard to play well.

The skill floor is a lot lower. That's about it. You can make playing bass as complicated as you want.

No it fucking isn't

>bass only plays individual notes


If you want to be a really great, proficient bassist that does more than the root and the fifth, then it looks comparable to doing the same with guitar

im not sure which side of the argument this video supports?

It's neither easier nor harder, it depends what you're fucking playing. Some songs will have complex basslines with a guitar part that just involves a few simple chords and simple strumming patterns. Other songs will have a bassline that is literally one or two notes, and a narsty guitar part.


>what's easier
>guitar or slightly bigger guitar

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>Is bass guitar easier than regular guitar
No. Just as difficult, or if you want to be the next Entwistle, much harder.


Basically this. Not easy to get good, but easy to do the bare minimum needed to be useful

That sounded like shit. Even when playing bass at a "complex" level (I could do that whole thing within a days practice) it sounds garbage. Bass is easier because with less there's more

Not so for guitar

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Maybe easier to be passable but arguably more difficult to master

I think another point people overlook is how much weight the bass has on songs

Mistake on guitar? You can probably play it off and it make it work
Mistake on bass? You just made the whole band sound like complete ass

bass is physically easier since you don't have to contort your fingers in strange ways. especially for people with huge hands

This. You can be decent and not shit to most people’s ears in a relatively short time playing bass but takes much longer to sound good with guitar, to most people (normie).

>I could do that whole thing within a days practice
Why are you lying on a children's cartoon forum?

>Thinking on this logically one would think so seeing as bass has only 4 strings while guitar has 6.
Classical guitar is easier than Djent, since a classical guitar only has 6 strings but an 8-string has, well, 8.


Bass is easier to learn and easier to be good at than regular guitar

Playing the bass is somewhat easier, depends on how good you are at time keeping.
Playing bass well? Takes just as much work and effort as guitar.
But keep thinking the number of strings has ANYTHING to do with it.
>bass only plays individual notes
Yeah, you think like a child. Bass chords are a thing, dummy. Stop posting.

>post on local musician networking page that you're a guitarist looking for gigs
>get dozens of responses asking if you play bass

best thing about being a bassist is you get as many gigs as you want

as someone who plays both I can tell you bass is generally harder. While bass has less strings and you don't play chords it makes up for difficulty because the strings are a lot thicker and the frets are further apart. This means playing faster is more difficult (especially if you don't use a pick) and more physically demanding than guitar.
Furthermore, guitar rythms are generally simpler. Bass grooves are usually more nuanced with more sincopation, rests and require following the rythm perfectly.
You can get away with slightly sloppy guitar playing but sloppy bass playing is a lot more noticeable as it is part of the rythm section.
Not to mention slap, which is extremely difficult to do well and requires years of practice to get right and is , again, very rythm based.

I'm kind of rambling here but I feel like playing bass well is harder than playing guitar well.

i love entwhistle, i just didnt think that video was that great lol

This. Everyone and their mother plays guitar, but no one wants to drop their ego and play bass. They're much more in demand because of it.

I've never had a single problem with Entwhistle, but I just read the book that came out about him. My respect for him is WAY more now - not only was he trying to be the rock for Moon and Townsend who were constantly going off on tangents, but he also went off on tangents. Jesus fucking christ, it takes an insane amount of talent to pull off what he did.
Good read, btw. The dude had some serious spending issues, which everyone knew, but god damn that guy could empty a wallet.

I was joking of course but I still stand by that being a garbage example of high level bass playing when it sounds like shit. This is a lot more impressive and sounds great but it's effectively a really big ass guitar

A bunch of try hard /my/ fags are going to tell you bass is harder. It's factually not. Why? Because bass 99% of the time does NOT play chords, does NOT play melody and lead. The hardest thing you will ever encounter on a bass will be playing a walking bass line that follows a chord progression.

Guitar on the other hand can play bass, harmony, and melody all at the same time. This is coming from a flamenco guitarist who also has played bass for years.

I'm not trying to shit all over bass players, bass is definitely its own instrument with it's own challenges. As a bass player, you're supporting the entire band in a way the guitar isn't, but if it's a measure of which one is technically more complex it's guitar hands down.

I mean his sound was always kinda crap but even in that the technique is still on point.

Guitar, how is this debatable. Most guitar players are ass anyway. In most situations the guitar is the song. If you don’t have a good song you suck. It’s not easy to write really good songs. Likewise, almost all songwriters are ass. But bassists are fulfilling a needed job.

As a fan of John's, I agree, that's probably not the best example of his playing. He wasn't the same post-Moon.
Plus, he was known for using BIG cabs live, the tinny, shitty YT audio is the worst place to showcase anyone, but especially him.

>Because bass 99% of the time does NOT play chords, does NOT play melody and lead.
So what you're saying is you've never listened to any prog rock/metal. Either that, or nice bait faggot.

>The hardest thing you will ever encounter on a bass will be playing a walking bass line that follows a chord progression.
Well yeah but this is the opposite of how guitarists relate to music and much more demanding. The pool of notes that sound good changes with each chord, it's a far cry from a 'oh we're in the key of C? Cool, I'll just play notes from the key of C'. You don't get pass like guitar or other instruments in upper registers do

> Because bass 99% of the time does NOT play chords, does NOT play melody and lea
That's just a style decision. If you want to play bass like AC/DC that's your call

Guitar is harder than bass guitar
Upright bass is harder than guitar

>user implies he's speaking broadly and that what he's saying is true most but not all of the time
>oh yeah well what about THE OTHER TIME u faGGOT???

Agnostic towards the guitar vs. bass debate but I think the djent craze a few years back made people forget that rhythm guitar can be reasonably complex and interesting, just like bass.

That's why I say 99%. Yes you can always find artists that have pushed the instrument into unconventional and virtuosic directions but let's be honest here - the exceptions prove the rule.

for me, it's a roving virtuoso bassist under caveman power chords

Once you get to a sufficiently advanced level on guitar the distinction between rhythm and lead becomes pretty much meaningless

you're dumb

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>but it's effectively a really big ass guitar
That's like saying the violin is the same as a double bass. Which would be fucking retarded to say, but...here you are.

The who

>Well yeah but this is the opposite of how guitarists relate to music and much more demanding. The pool of notes that sound good changes with each chord, it's a far cry from a 'oh we're in the key of C? Cool, I'll just play notes from the key of C'. You don't get pass like guitar or other instruments in upper registers do

This is actually really true. When you play the wrong note on the bass it makes the entire band sound like shit. So I guess in some ways bass requires a more developed theory because youre the backbone of the entire composition. But on a raw level I still think guitar is harder because of the simple fact that you're playing more notes at once.

At the end of the day, the real instrument is the musicians mind. I play piano and guitar completely differently but use the same part of my brain to make music.

>Bassists don't play chords

Attached: (jazz music gets very loud).jpg (851x831, 66.84K)

Only if you're a try hard weedly weedly "shredder". The difference is intent. Solo is intentional, a break from the main melody. I mean, I get it, I play guitar too, the bar is always set on the solo, and every guitar player thinks the solo is the most important part of the song. Which is all ego.
Talk to any advanced player, like a Petrucci, and tell him lead and rhythm are the same thing, and he'll call you a faggot like I am.
Respect the song, "shredder".

>be pianist who can play guitar
>tfw guitarists think guitar is hard

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