Grimes' image is really suffering because of Musk

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What’s wrong with Elon musk

Seems pretty based to me. Not even into grimes

People really just want to hate him cause he's rich

He seems based to you because you're a faggot redditor

Lmao seethe more inferior manlet

people are upset because of this

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lol how can a billionair be based? they literally are the most evil thing you could possibly be

Surprise surprise, some bitter little girls are boycotting an artist because of her connection to a giant swinging dick that they feel threatened by.

Jesus Christ did you people not drink your almond milk this morning

You are all pedos

Reddit transplant confirmed. Lurk more and stop trying so hard

I’ve been here before you were suckling your dads dick

Get off my site

did you drink your daily billionaire cum ration amerimutt?

>Gives people something and gets something in return
Fucking evil


says the fucking capitalist who enslaves and controls the entire working class population. what a fucking piece of shit

We need hilldawg to run as an independent

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I’m sorry your country is inferior but it is not my fault

I usually defend the guy, but this is pretty fuckin stupid. He's stooping to the level of a freetarded Republican.

where's the ventilators this grifter promised?


He's a cunt. Doesn't pay his workers enough

>reddit spacing

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Retard commie alert

she was unlikable long before elon came into the picture

alzheimers alert
the reds arent under your bed boomer the cold war is over

FREE AMERICANS so they can go back to being my slaves!!!

i thought reddit loved science man musk

Retard alert

>exactly one minute apart
>same insult
Nice samefagging bro

I'm not talking about ventilators retard, I'm talking about Elon Musk being a billionaire.

She looks like she's always had "Musk", LOL

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Why do Americans love defending billionaires for free all the time? Is it some kind of masochism? It's a very peculiar American thing I've noticed. They deify their big corporations and make all kinds of excuses for CEOs.

Apparently most of them were BPAP machines that are used for sleep apnea.

Musk overpromises, yet again.

She's always suffered from "Musk" LOL

>number one world economy
>number one world military


They make this country great. I respect hard work. Something your generation doesn't have a clue about.

I'm definitely not big on the creative outputs from psyches that dwell in ivory towers with legions eagerly tuned in to every move made and word spoken. Such psyches are warped by all of the attention/adoration, and their level is higher than even that of the average big name rock stars of the last many decades, in some rather strange new ways.

I legit don't know anything about Elon Musk other than he's the funny electric truck guy. Grimes was always garbage and her image deserves to suffer

Am I talking to 60 year olds?
boer cocksucker only wants to open America again so he can make a few hundred more mil. doesn't care if people die so long as he can add more gold to his stash like a fucking dragon

lol and whats good about that? the only ones who benefit from either those things are the billionaire class...

Euro fags seething

Typical inferiority complexes

No, it's just that not everyone is a tranny zoomer like you.

If you respect hard work you would respect the workers that Musk is overworking and underpaying

Hmm must explain why I live in a nice house in a beautiful town that I bought and why I never have to worry about a country invading me

Cope harder please

how braindead are you that you like yourself and the rest of the population being exploited while a selectr few reap all rewards?

>they make this country great
lmao buying the elections, polluting the planet, outsourcing american jobs for third world slave labor, destroying middle class small businesses, and getting bailed out by the taxpayers every time they fuck up is making this place great?