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Other urls found in this thread:

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the browner the chewy the better


say things we all agree with
slug is nice

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word, my dude

Attached: tzuyubrown.webm (1044x914, 1.8M)

scammer is pure

Reminder that if you still talk to women who it's obvious you won't get what you want out of them, in hopes that one day they acquiesce to your whims, you're a simp.

Stop talking to girls that obviously won't fuck you or date you after you've already made an effort and were unsuccessful. Why do you allow them to keep you around for when they get bored and need attention, extorting what they want out of you, while you never get what you want out of them?

Stop being a fucking simp. Learn to let go of women when they don't give you what you want. Some of them will come back to you and give it to you because here's a fun fact: Women aren't built to handle rejection and they take it very very poorly.

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txt stay winning

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feetbros can only lust so much

>all this crying in seize the light
why couldn't they make something fin instead

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we need to bully idols to lose weight and be thin

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for me, it's ateez

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Tzuyu crys when she sees cute dogs

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barf! when is this from?

you're just jealous of his cool glasses

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taeyong best boy
taeyong animal crossing
taeyong rap
taeyong dance
taeyong sing
taeyong nct
taeyong beautiful
taeyong talented
taeyong pretty
taeyong gorgeous
taeyong amazing
taeyong dancer
taeyong singer

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same brother

the thicker the better too


fuck off

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MY wife, Baek Jiheon



Attached: EWp2KS6WoAEDnHA[1].jpg (868x988, 89.09K)

>make something fin

scammer broke into my house, stole my gf, left a brick in her place, and called me a fatass nip

being wasted in Korea

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any gookpop like this?

fun you fucking retard
it's a fujcking typo have you ehver hard of them

who are you quoting?


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yo way they never make sum finna

go back to digging mud huts you disgusting seamonkey

i swear if i see this comment on more time, someone dies

just want to keep her in my pocket

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because akb sure is a flourishing brand and being popular in the insulated bubble that is jpop is definitely better than becoming a global icon through kpop.

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he's probably apart of her and leeteuk's depressed people club after everyone found out he's a horrible person

yeah they're cute
but, are they also funny?


nana > raina > uggo

you couldn't me more off amerimutt

May kfeet be in my mind, on my lips and in my heart.

any more pics like this

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it is from when lizzy was hot and not fat

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Like a pocket pussy?


jessi maybe

wow sounds like you deserved it and should just kill yourself

Why isn't this cunt expelled from kpop yet? Idols lose contracts to holding hands with opposite sex, yet apparently being a fucking psychopath is alrightie. Isn't the whole point of being "idol" is to be a role model?


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based flopbro

hey scammer fuck you

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maybe if you're a millionaire on a vip list

nana is a plastic surgery monster
raina is the cute one

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>22 new posts
why dubu no longer cute and fluffy bros
no fair

wish i was cool like scammer

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Why is Tzuyu eating a sandwich in every photoshoot?

he is the center of nct
sooman cant afford to lose the most important member

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we want her to eat more

she's cute and fluffy

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she's a hungry girl

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0 0 very beautiful and kind girl who i would give way more than a 10 because that wouldn't be enough

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chen should have had a boy
that boy should have been me
i should have been chen's firstborn

because you can get away with anything as long as you are an attractive male

my vietnamese wife on the right

what the hell

i wish tzuyu starts bulking again

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weird post user seek therapy

and look at them now lol - depressed short uggo vs beautiful desired actress

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i hate this

The Chris Brown Effect

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nonstop nonstop
nonstop nonstop nonstop

What's wrong? Either I'm a blindbro or you are.


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raina is more of a ps monster than nana


ethereal creature that we don't deserve

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*sees mimi*
*closes everything*

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they literally made kyungsoo a black man

Look at that collarpussy

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i wonder if there is feet plastic surgery in korea. there must be, right?

isn't that just sad

egg looks like the dude from everybody hates chris..

some post everglow sihyeon feet please

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I hoped you'd be reborn as my daughter. I prayed that. I would raise you with all the love that we didn't get from our own parents.

this is my wife, her name is Eunji

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roastie group getting cucked on camera

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i wished there was feet deepfakes

why did you download the low res version?

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Attached: pillowfight.webm (640x360, 602.39K)

pretty and talented. wife part is kinda cringe tho

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>hates homos, uggos, fatties and japs
>scams people out of their money
how can one man be this based


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have this instead

Attached: sihyeon salute.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

Cub and Jeongyeon going hard