The Re/Mu/sters - Pet Sounds Youtube Channel

Wouldn't It Be Nice:

You Still Believe In

That's Not Me:

Don't Talk:

I'm Waiting For The Day - NO MIX

Let's Go Away For Awhile:

Sloop John B:

God Only Knows:

I Know There's An Answer

Here Today:

I wasn't Made For These Times:

Pet Sounds:

Caroline No:

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ITT: cover I'm waiting for the day, start the album cover for the single Good Vibrations, and decide which album we cover next.

I had an idea considering TVU&N is 1967, and pet sounds is 1966 that we choose one album for each year. Do you like that, or is that stupid?

>ITT: cover I'm waiting for the day, start the album cover for the single Good Vibrations, and decide which album we cover next.
So is every else done besides that?
>I had an idea considering TVU&N is 1967, and pet sounds is 1966 that we choose one album for each year. Do you like that, or is that stupid?
I'd be down for that, I'd love to contribute for TVU&N and do some 60s albums.

Yes everything else is done besides that! Maybe since we already have this thread going we'll have good vibrations and summer of love as bonus tracks after all?

which album cover are we using for good vibrations? I could make a start on it
I think an album for each year is much too ambitious and everyone would run out of steam doing albums they may not have interest in. I thought blue album was next

I don't agree with the each year's album. Let's just decide a random one. I'd say we cover banana first, then the Weezer blue and finally the White album.
I'm in with Good Vibrations. Out with Summer of Love tho

This is the original cover, how can you edit this?

Attached: 20200429_004550.jpg (709x709, 233.92K)

like the one in just gonna draw over a guy in paint, im gonna do brian. Ill also try to get the same font as the cover and change the name to remusters like i did with the pet sounds one

Holy shit, never noticed how fast we finished this. My only complain is the Pet Sounds brass section at 1:46. Sounds a bit off. But the rest is good

Why was I’m waiting for the day getting no love :(

Doing the White Album next?

We forgot it, even tho it was one of my favs. You can contribute with your vocals :)

I'm just a random user but after seeing this thread for the past few days I decided to give the tracks a listen
Good job, lads

So far we have 3 nominates
>the blue album
>the whitr album

I'm more excited for the white desu. Gonna be so fun

White albums a good pick for after TVUN, I personally would want Odyssey and Oracle but that requires an user with an organ

We have an organ. Shitty but, well. Listen to Don't Talk

Please dont do anymore guys. Is this your goal? To murder all pop music?

i think hes talking about an actual pipe organ sound like in a church.

I have a good church organ setting on my keyboard!

do you think that this album was bad? :( We're just gonna have fun on Yas Forums as people who want to, and like to make music.

I say we do it in that order
>the blue album
>the white album

nonono i say we make one up from scratch.
Summer of love is the B side, because we have to have mems in there somewhere right????

as the OP of all these threads I sadly haven't listened to Odyssey and Oracle, so I don't think we'll be doing that one any time soon.

>I say we do it in that order
>the blue album
>the white album
This would be good, I already know a lot of songs from Banana and Blue. I could learn a few white album tracks later.

oh shit well I did this as a start, we can do something different if you have any ideas, Im not bothered.
Also listen to odyssey and oracle

Attached: good vibrations cover.png (400x400, 202.13K)

can you black out the rest of the cover except that one guys face? (sorry I don't know their names well)

guarantee if you lot try the white album you will never finish

that's why we're doing the other two albums first.

More people will be in, so i think yes

Maybe because of how long the album is we'll do 5 songs at a time instead of.. making a pastebin for 8 mixes each for 30 songs D:

We'll make it user. Trust :). Hopefully you won't be alone this time


I'm hoping the problem of why so few participated in this one was because they don't know beach boys music, or how to play it, and that ~15 people isn't average for every thread..
Here is our soundcloud


>tfw no cute Yas Forums cover of Exodus because Yas Forums doesn't care about Reggae
But every album that was been consider i really like. So it's all good.

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Im not sure if this is what you mean? Why do you want it to be blacked out? I thought people would just draw over it bit by bit like we did the last cover

forgot to attach...

Attached: black.png (400x400, 14.88K)

That is what I mean