Singer has an english accent

>singer has an english accent

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all the brits who made it big did it by singing like an american, fucking retards who did this got left behind and forgotten

I can't fucking stand morissey's voice
I hate the British so much



Mutt retard gave this album a 6
Easily one of the best experimental hip-hop albums of the 2010s

he went completely off the rails in 2016 never to return to reality

Attached: bbf babyfather.jpg (1024x1024, 284.66K)

never made it big in america

based brit

For gods sake, just kill yourself

>singer sings in American

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Eh they never became as massive as in the UK but from like 1995-1998 they had a few hits here. Kind of faded fast though. Wonderwall is still remembered but the rest not as much.

As an american, it's such a shame. Can't believe I can hear an artist from England and they sound like some jackass I can hear at a bar down the street. English people need to stop hating themselves

The same with artists from non-english speaking countries who put music out in english.

based english accent

If you think English accents aren't suited to music you need to check your brain for tumours

>the watersons
my guy


Attached: ivEBULvbesiul.jpg (500x750, 42.07K)

from my region man, immensely proud

>band has a woman in it but she isn't the singer

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this comment reeks of cuckholdry.


Appreciating the music of one's heritage could not be less cuck

seethe based cuck tranny faggot simp virgin have sex

also it's cuckoldry not cuckholdry

and that wasn't just a slip of the finger, h is nowhere near k or o on the keyboard

Oasis sold out stadiums in America, zoomer.

proof that a british accent works great in tunes

Yasss king slay

>literally muh heritage

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Ok retard

These lads are most certainly better than ops favorite band

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>singer has an Australian accent

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Kill every unamerican europhile. Death to the Red coats!