Why do normies hate Billy Corgan and Morrissey so much?

Why do normies hate Billy Corgan and Morrissey so much?

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one of them does pro wrestling and the other one is gay

Wait, what did Billy Corgan say? I always thought he was semipro based, not quite based enough to play in the majors but more based than me. He can coach youth based and eventually coach a college based program and churn out some Pro Based talent on his way to a couple PAC-12 Based Championships.

NWA is based though

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Billy is too based and these cringe hipsters can't handle getting dabbed on constantly.

billy corgan went on alex jones a few times and believes in schizo lizard people 9/11 illuminati stuff

neither of them do this, wtf?

I don't think The Smiths fans dislike Morrissey at all? Moz is obnoxious but that is what I love about him.

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Smiths fans are all 50 year old fat JK Rowling types at this point. Moz solo fans are based

No they hate him because he hates arabs


when did memes just become text over an image
this sucks

A long time ago, when the internet was just an infant suckling its mother's teat, the world had some sense and called them image macros

Thank you. Everything is not a "meme," zoomers.

It's the most low IQ, nigger tier sport, imagine actually enjoying watching 2 thugs bashing eachother.

are you talking about nfl or wrestling here?

I mean billy is the band so I’m not sure how you’re going to pretend he doesn’t exist

Can anyone name 1 (one) genuinely racist thing Morrissey has said?

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he said that like 10 years ago though. why didnt people get as outraged over that versus his milder europe immigration comments?

And he was absolutely right, look at the mess we're in right now

What? This just makes me like him more.

He was saying this in relation to how they treat animals

Which has some validity. The mess we are in now for instance

Zoomers always ignore context

Yoooo based?

Low testosterone

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Wrestling is an outlet for straight America's gay urges.

He's right you know.

He’s always ahead of the curve

Big surprise a gay dude wouldn't like a group of people that execute the gays

hating racists/transphobes is rational

He is based which is why they hate him

Ik this is bait but are we really equating mental illness to ethnicity

it's not bait and yes. having prejudiced against persecuted minority groups is abhorrent no matter if it's based off gender identity or race, religion, etc

I'm not ignoring context, that's still a horrible statement. There's a difference between saying the way they treat animals is bad and saying they don't qualify as humans. But this Yas Forums so there's no convincing you.

*prejudiced views