Vegans and vegetarians are superior beings. This is why your favourite artist is almost certainly one or the other

Vegans and vegetarians are superior beings. This is why your favourite artist is almost certainly one or the other.

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I declare this thread based and mozpilled

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any recs for great vegetarian artists?

hitler was a vegetarian


Based. Anyone here not vegan/vegetarian?

extremely based

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Celtic Frost (Tom G. Warrior)
Cattle Decapitation
Extreme Noise Terror

Vegetarian"ism" is a based diet because you can't afford to kill shit all the time, nor can ask someone to do it for you. But when you have to - and you will! - you better fucking enjoy it in anticipation of that bigass rumsteak you'll share with the tribe.

Animals don’t have rights

My favourite artist eats chicken and fish, sorry.

Your favorite artist is hindu?

>Hitler and Moz smart enough to not eat meat
>also smart enough to know chinks are animals and don't deserve rights

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my favorite artist eats dick

Didn't know Warrior was a veggie. Triptykon is based.

Bacon tastes good.
Pork chops taste good.
OP is a faggot.

You just had to bring up the Nazis.

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If animals are equal to humans and killing them for food is murder, then we should prosecute animals for murder whenever they kill other animals for food. It’s only fair.

based retard

Triggered meatcuck with early onset heart disease.

Predominantly plant based aka 95% vegan for two years and it feels based.


nobody said they do, retard.

any tips for making the switch, my friend? I'm a picky eater

With what?I am in great health and enjoying a delicious pesto pasta dish as we speak.

My second favorite artist next to Moz.


loved his neofolk albums but the death metal phase was a little much for me

I’ve been a vegetarian for 11 years.

Feels based. Meatfags seethe

Anthony Fantano

average human: causes massive amount of suffering to humans and many other animals
average cow: causes little to no suffering to anyone
average cow life > average human life

I don't need to apologize for my love of tasty animal meat.