Interviewing Dubbi

I am interviewing this *ahem* Clown, you asshats got any questions you want answered.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not a fan.

ask him if he likes bbc

The answer is no, he is straight. Will post a transcript of the whole thing and pics later.

why does he wear the mask?

what is his songwriting process

He more or less has answered your question already "I change it up a lot. That's why my style & genre change constantly. Go back and see, my 1st mixtape was straight up EDM/House.
My 1st EP was complextro and experimental dubstep
, my 1st LP ended dubstep, 2nd LP was trap and Noise, 3rd LP
was post-dubstep. And that's just in the 1st couple years of that one artist name, so... I change it up a lot. Like one day I'll have a crew in the studio, next minute I kick em out and spit on a Skœpé. I like to keep things constantly shifting. I'll start with a beat one day, and start with vocals a different day. Who knows."

ask him if he's schizophrenic

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why r u gey??

how many bitches has he fucked

Asked twice answers are as follows "4 U" and after I pressured him saying that "Damn, I mean, I know I ain't nothing to look at, but I wear mine for more than just that, is it aesthetics, you like the smell of the mask, some on, the people want to know" he responded with "At least your mama thinks u a looker. and bro I like the musk of my old swæty mask."

ask him how he likes samefagging all day

Tell him he's a try hard. Lighten up during interviews, you're fucking Slipknot for christake.

I am the one doing the interview, he's being pretty nice. I haven't posted the whole thing, and when I do you'll see that. Some parts are gonna be confidential, but you'll see.

tell him i love him!!!!

Imagine using Windows.

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>pale moon
opinion discarded!

dubbi's probably gonna hack him

is it samefagging if you pay people to post for you?

Ask him, Unironically, who he thinks makes good music in the shill threads? He's known for shitposting, memeing, and straight up trolling newfags, but he does at times give genuine criticism and gives off this sincere vibe. A couple of artists during his paragraph long replies get just a "nice job" or "I like this" or even a "not bad."
TL;DR Ask which artists in the shill threads he likes and any in particular he thinks is quality

He probably already has and is just keeping the interview going while digging around in op's cp for screenshots to send to the feds.

seconding this.
and also ask him if he has any accounts we dont know about / accounts we don't know are his

ask him if his parents have disowned him yet.

It's funny to see whenever someone gets assblasted by xyddis encyclopedia long responses, but who does he like? Hell, there's artists ive seen who Dubbi doesn't even Fuck with or atleast not anymore.

Ask him about his musical progression timeline purely in terms of as a listener, from earliest childhood turn ons.

Interview is over for today faggots, left him your questions and I will get back to the interview tomorrow. Good day.

ask him about the cult of saturn

holy fuck, dubbi made a second account to interview himself. that'd be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

i think it's charming actually

Fuck off nigger I ain't Dubbi

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sick drawing bro

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did he invent shoegaze

dubbi eats genres like shoegaze for breakfast. he would only create something like that,,, on the toilet !

I don't think this is the real OP, considering you tagged the OP

Oh yeah, I suck at drawing.

lol who cares about a text interview? i can literally ask him any questions i want and he answers... i wanted that reddit humor guy to interview him in person.. that would have been mad funny

Jesus christ yes I am. I just tagged every damn post made in the thread.

that guy with the awful mustache and beard and hair and lighting and taste in pop culture, from youtube?
i feel like he could one day make a video on dubbi

If it is, post the screencap of the (you) next to OP then

ask him how he keeps balanced

some cringey dude posted in a shillthread today saying hes a video maker and wanted to interview people from shillthreads. dubbi said he wanted to do an interview but i dont think he ever responded. then the op of this thread said he wanted to interview dubbi and they just did it over insta....

oh but do you know who im talking about?

Favourite book

favorite drink

punk revolution now?

How about I just post another screencap of the fucking interview

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no never mind he covers like online mysteries

ask about his millions of name changes. I swear he never sticks with a consistent name.

>can't post the requested screencap
why you lyin bro