/hightest/ general

a thread for discussing high test music

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Oh and i'm gay btw, not sure if that matters.

Thats some gay shit
Here, have some real high test music

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please...remove foetus and univers zero.
they do not deserve this

t. low test
bands with girls are not high test

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metal is low test. Godflesh is the only exception

This thread is dog shit

t. low test


fuck you

t. low test

Still didn't add this

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And I never will. suck my dick beta

t. gay test

t. low test


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All of this is soi except James Brown.

t. low test

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Can we make this a real thing? That's basically my musical taste. Some ideas:
>Big Black - Lungs
>No trend - Too Many Humans...
>Black Flag - Damaged
>Demilich - Nespithe
>Shellac - At Action Park
>MBV - You Made Me Realize EP
>Boris - Pink
>TVU - White Light / White Heat
>Ministry - The Land of Rape and Honey
>Asphyx - Last One on Earth
>Swans - Cop
>Skinny Puppy - Cleanse Fold and Manipulate
>Nails - Unsilent Death

>Ministry - The Land of Rape and Honey
>No trend - Too Many Humans...
>Shellac - At Action Park
The rest is either low test garbage or by an artist that's already in the chart

>high test

What do you mean by high-test?

high testosterone music for high testosterone people

only low test tryhards listen to this crap

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That's the music i listen when i'm high on coke which is all the time so i think they're okay.