Dear Yas Forums I'm a Zoomer. HELP

Tell me what to listen to. Tell me what's good. Tell me what's bad. Develop my musical tastes for me. Teach me how to be an individual. I have no personality and I'm too fucking lazy to do it myself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're a pathetic fag. Lurk longer and figure yourself out like the rest of us.

You're mean and this triggers me.

this post is 100% vile and should be deleted.

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Should i listen to the Beatles? Or Death Grips? What should I listen to? I'm a fucking gay zoomer idiot.

it's so easy to become a patrician.
just listen to some jazz funk

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> (((I Got You Covered Boy)))

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Listen to what you enjoy. Socialize with others that also enjoy that music and find new music recommendations from them. If you're a shut-in, you can use Pandora/Spotify/whatever you use to find related music or try new genres. Don't force yourself to listen to something you don't like just because some fag on Yas Forums says it's good.

none of that.
you gotta discover taste on your own.

Listen to hardcore punk. Its dadrock for the zoomer doomers soul

stay in your lane and listen to this gay shit:

I started listening to it on youtube. Is it good? I can't tell. Like most people my age, I have no taste and no individuality.

I like some kpop but that's about it really.

try to see who you consider to be your current favorite artists and then see if you can find who they got their influences from. that way you can slowly ease yourself yourself into more 'obscure' music while still staying close to the music you currently enjoy.
after that you can start expanding out towards other kinds of music that seem interesting to you. don't instantly throw yourself into really difficult of abrasive sounds. take your time exploring and find something you like.

good news then, we got a kpop general and it's absolutely terrible.

im conviced that people who "enjoy" k-pop arent in it for the music at all.

here, culture yourself

Tubular Bells
it is good

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If you don't like it then don't listen to it, dude.
I like Throbbing Gristle for the hellish atmosphere & vibe. If you're not vibing with it then why bother

just browse the wiki, there a sticky here.

Listen to the New York Dolls, become a femboi punk, and then fuck me raw

I like this one.

Read the sticky usually has a section dedicated to influences so that could be a good place to look around

since when did goreshit come back into being Yas Forumscore? holy shit that's based

not even gay, but this is the best option for you thusfar OP

Literal boomer false flag

listen to whatever other people are listening to. it's how you can quell the overwhelming feeling of disconnection while being literally all alone in your room in your parent's suburban home. listen to gecs and be a silly goofy little boy, have fun literally all alone in your room in your parent's suburban home and fantasize about playing it in the car with friends, maybe even lie on the internet to pretend you actually did it.

imagine being this insecure

That's what I do now.

>tfw have a friend exactly like this
>tfw he steals all my taste and jokes

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Take the zoomer pill, user
Listen to 100 gecs, PC Music, Bladee, etc.

True Yas Forumszoomers lurked this place all throughout high school and once we turned 18 emerged fully formed patricians