Why do gays have much better taste in pop, club, and experimental electronic music than Yas Forums?

Why do gays have much better taste in pop, club, and experimental electronic music than Yas Forums?

Attached: Schermata-2019-09-16-alle-11.59.01.png (640x570, 146.55K)


I guess it's a side effect of all that anal sex they're having

because those genres are gay as fuck

different crowds with different preferences in music i guess. none of those genres get heavily discussed on Yas Forums

>tfw my taste in music is "gay"
>tfw I've only had straight sex

PC Music fucking sucks, not even Hannah Diamond could save it

None of that music is good.

I'm sad that electronic music became a faggot and kweer shit now when when used to be pretty mainstream, like from mid 90s to early 00s

>He doesn't like to dance

It's not. Gays are just more open about there gayness now than in the 90s

I think their overrepresentation makes that assumption. I hate this, like no one cares about who you fuck or what gender degenerate you are, but these shits try to claim different things as their own and tie to their presence

Is that a fucking popper she's holding?

it still seems about 99% straight to me

First thing I thought of too haha

Looks similar.

Attached: Rush-Poppers[1].jpg (498x256, 25.4K)

What the fuck are these things?

Yes that is very annoyying and a clear form of compensation.

dance, electronic and experimental music has always been pioneered by lgbt people

yes. she signed a fans popper

drugs that make your anus more loose and relaxed iirc

cause Yas Forums is probably mostly boring indie rock fans who only try to get into critically acclaimed electronic music in their 20s because they have no innate ear for it

sorry meant to say only get into it in their 20s so they can pretend to know something about it/be wannabe snobs about it

amyl nitrate
they used it as a muscle relaxant for anal sex in like the 1970s
naturally the kooks and the screen damaged will just mask this behavior instead of coming up with their own
spongebob squarepants not lame

>why do gays have much better taste ~~in pop, club, and experimental electronic music~~ than Yas Forums?

Anal sex is great. You should try it sometime.

Part of it must be that Club/Electronic music have such close ties to LGBT culture historically

Nah I'm not into AIDS, thank you.

Are you African or a heroin addict? If not then it shouldn't be an issue.

Lol aids is rampant among faggots.

because the only genre that gets discussed here unironically is Yas Forumscore fag shit

>implying dance music was ever for straight people

you aren't having sex anyways

Yas Forums are gay as fuck