ITT: You apologize to Lil B for using "based" as the conservative version of "woke"

ITT: You apologize to Lil B for using "based" as the conservative version of "woke"

Attached: thank you based god.gif (400x225, 1.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Lil B based?

Woke is a leftist form of redpilled dummy.

Sure. I'll send him my ugly fungus-ridden feet as an apology


faggot TYBG


It's an anti-atheist response to the band name "thank you based god." Has no connection to your boy.

I hate how people do this. The term "based and redpilled" wouldn't make sense if they meant the same thing. I wish the internet and "real life" could go back to being different things again.

its 4chinz's new 'epic'. and by new i mean ancient and shit

sorry based god :(

anti-based and basedpilled

Attached: avosoy.png (724x724, 791.48K)


Attached: 1496032699896s.jpg (125x120, 2.27K)


im leftist and say based in the lil b sense


Hahaha, you must be new here. I'd suggest starting with pic related.

Attached: LIeFYaM-1518196561-1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 268.3K)

Woke is older than redpill cracker

based =/= woke. Nobody even says woke like we say based

Attached: 1587240597290.jpg (540x705, 53.88K)

I have literally never done this.
The only people I refer to as based are the Based God and Based Deng

Attached: TYBD.jpg (240x240, 9.55K)

based is the new 'cool.' no matter where it started, now everyone's using it.

only zoomer shits use based or woke

right-wing not conservative you lefite dicksucker

also fuck lil b, hes a creep pedo


Holy fuck I forgot about based Deng. TYBD. Haven’t been to /sp/ in years


zoomers will be in their mid 20's soon. they're not getting any younger, user

“Based” means that what you’re doing is based on your free will as opposed to public opinion. Being based means risking your own popularity, credibility, image, wealth, or even personal safety in order to do whatever the fuck you want. For example, regardless of what you think of Morrissey’s music or politics (I personally don’t care for either) he is objectively based for flaunting his far-right ideology in front of a public that is extremely hostile to anything that isn’t inclusive and sensitive.

yeah it's fucking awful, front page is generals and it's just not a good board to visit anymore. I stopped browsing there in 2015 with a brief return for the 2016 Olympics
I was looking forward to the archery threads this year but nope, not happening

Donald Trump may be an idiot and a terrible leader, but he is also objectively based because he says whatever he wants at all times, usually without fact checking and always in the face of criticism and hostility.

>he says whatever he wants at all times, usually without fact checking and always in the face of criticism and hostility.
which, in turn makes him a great leader. it's a paradox

Fuck this stupid nigger, nobody ever liked him unironically anyway. The Milhouse meme of music.