Boomer music

Should i actually listen to pink floyd , the beatles and led zeppelin’s discography . I know all their hit songs . Pretty average . Are they boomer memes or are they essential for any music lover’s playlist

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listen to the beatles anthology 2 or 3, really changed my perspective on the band and now I know they are the greatest pop band ever

I'm gonna sound so old but no one has made music that good since those bands put out their best stuff. Please dont flame me im only 30.

Absolute pleb taste

>The Beatles
just listen to Sgt. Peppers and Abbey Road. everything else is pretty worthless.
>Led Zeppelin
listen to I & IV. If you liked both then you can try II & III. meme band imo
>Pink Floyd
WYWH and Saucerful Of Secrets. If you prefer WYWH, then check out Animals. If you liked Saucerful more then check out Atom Heart Mother.

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Should i bother with pink floyd or led zeppelin or are they as generic as their hits.

Tell me one record made since 1990 that's better than dark side of the moon or zep 4. I'm waiting.

Pink Floyd's music can get very weird.
People just praise DSoTM because it's their most commercial album, along with The Wall.
1965-1972 Pink Floyd is MUCH different from their works 1973 and beyond.

Why are you posting on Yas Forums when you haven’t seriously listen to a full album by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd? Are you a child?

What albums should i listen to ?

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>shifting the goalposts to 1990 instead of "since those bands put out their best stuff"

Yeah I'm not going to argue with you if you're not even going to attempt to argue in good faith.

Not him, but IMO start with Meddle. If you like the weirder parts, go backwards chronologically; if you like the more accessable parts, go forwards chronologically.

Start with A Saucerful of Secrets

Just a hunch, but try Atom Heart Mother.

Yeah cuz you got nothing lmao

But the less accessible parts of Meddle are the parts that are more similar to their later albums.

No i listen to experimental music from the last 2 decades along with post rock . I just thought they were meme bands , just like the scorpions or metalica , wich every teenager that hasn’t heard a full album in their lives talk about how much they like them , even though like me they only know the hit songs.

Led Zeppelin is definitely “what you see is what you get”. If you didn’t like their hits, you’d likely not like the rest of their material. The Beatles do have a good amount of non-hit gems that are worth looking for. Pink Floyd’s hits are not reflective at all of their sound so if definitely recommend checking them out. It’s also a general consensus on this board that early Pink Floyd is significantly better than late Pink Floyd.

I disagree, but I see your point.

I forgot how shit this board is

>No i listen to experimental music from the last 2 decades along with post rock .
>I just thought they were meme bands , just like the scorpions or metalica
You surely can’t be this retarded?

They are unironically underrated in elitist circles like this, where more obscure yet generally less talented bands are preferenced.

>being less talented than The Beatles
>being less talented than Led Zeppelin

Metallica is also genuinely a great band that gets underrated wannabe-patricians.

Dear Zoomer,
No one gives a shit what you do. No one cares about your tastes. No one cares about you. No one cares. No one.

But I care, user...
this is our youth we are talking about

So post rock sucks and metallica and scorpions are good? Are you 50 ? Do you miss the good old days?

I feel bad for you.


>post rock sucks
>metallica [...] good
>scorpions [...] good