I think Dylan Brady is consistently the most creative producer out there in the (sort of) mainstream

I think Dylan Brady is consistently the most creative producer out there in the (sort of) mainstream.

Change my mind.

Attached: Dylanisking.png (627x627, 445.9K)

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Right now yeah

what does he have that good besides gecs?

His music reminds me of skrillex, which I never cared for even when I was 17-20. I hope he can make his money off his shitty music then bounce out of all our lives. I don’t wish ill on the Gecs.

A lot of his solo stuff bangs (check out Dog Show)

He also produced a lot of Charli and Dorian Electra which love or hate it you gotta admit it's very different.

what a weird comparison but fair enough
still it's not so much about liking it i'm just saying he's very creative.

yeah he probably is
stream claws

Attached: claws.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

He looks exactly how his music sounds.

>guy who produces hundred gecs reminds me of skrillex

Does 100 gecs really remind you that much of Skrillex? I haven't listened to him since like 2013 so I guess I'm just out of the loop here.