>finally decide to listen to this after it being memed on here for so long
>it's fucking NPR music
fuck you faggots
Finally decide to listen to this after it being memed on here for so long
tiny desk core, RYM core, Yas Forumscore
what's NPR music and why is long season NPR music
this, i too would like to know
>being filtered by fucking long season
why are you here man
Walking ze rythm
Walking ze rythm
Walking ze rythm
meaning its literally used as a bumper on NPR, because its boring and inoffensive but with just enough hipness to appeal to the white, 30+ liberal audience
>white, 30+ liberal audience
that's literally me
this but unironically
If Fishmans is boring and inoffensive now then I don't know what isn't
Lol filtered
Go back to Igor or whatever you newfags listen to
So it has to be offensive to be good?
>implying NPR music is bad
go back to RYM
>defending easy listening music
don't forget to put your dentures back in before eating your nilla wafers. Remember, chew at least 15 times so it doesn't upset your stomach.
>Easy listening? Fuck off fag I only listen to TV static and recordings of owls. Yknow, real music? Try it sometime.
>finally decide to listen to this after it being memed on here for so long
>it's fucking NPR music
OP's wouldnt load in catalog and expected this to be pic rel
Is this better than Laughing Stock? I would say.... maybe.
What kind of degenerate piece of shit doesn't like the most SOULFUL music ever made?
What? My nigga Shinji's voice is too angelic for Terry gross to comprehend
As if long season is even old music.
Most people wouldnt find the middle sections very easy listening.
this album is hella overrated
I'm curious, what music do you like?
Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Oasis
Harsh noise is literally the only music you should be listening to if youre not a rym/spotify cuck, aka you belong on this board
The live version is better anyway
fuck off burger
>he doesn't like Long Season
literally how pleb do you have to be to not like this?
>wonder why Fishmans has been getting spammed so much
>look them up on Wikipedia
>"Rating aggregate website RateYourMusic has made the album (98.12.28) chart in the top 100 albums of all time"
that makes sense.
'ate blur
can, the fall, velvet underground, stereolab
Yume no naka...
it got popular through here. if you lookk at the ratings it had less than 30 ratings total in 2010. it was repopularized by Yas Forums shills