Dadrocker's Guide to Modern Music 2020 Edition

I found the original after 7 years and thought it was outdated, so I made a new one. Enjoy

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>Royal Blood
Brave opinion to have on Yas Forums

This provides an excellent argument for the perspective that music now is a creatively void medium, thankyou

TPAB is literally just ghetto ooga booga guns and booty bitches music, guy

Not this shit again

This list is embarrassingly bad.

We already have this thread going on you dumbass

I don't see why people shit on Royal Blood so much. They aren't a perfect 10, but nonetheless a decent rock band

Also, Holy shit listen to more music, this list is like if the NME indie kid was recently clicking with p4k core

>zoomers make fun of boomers all the time for shitting on le modern music and listening to the exact same shit over and over again
>this chart is basically all the albums zoomers love and click in their hipster/indie phase
You faggots are really scared to be compared to your dads, right?

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God this chart sucks. Especially the "soul" section

>An album commenting on how rap is just "ghetto ooga booga guns and booty bitches music" is criticized for being just that
I bet you jizz on Death Grips and Swans vinyls in your spare time

Is there a thread already happening? I never use Yas Forums really

Compared to every other list I've seen, it's actually pretty decent

They're more pop soul I suppose. What would you put on their instead?

>Death From Above but hard rock and worse

I've never listened to either of those bands, but okay. What are you gaining from defending ooga booga jungle music?

Do you... not get the entire point of the chart? It's meant to introduce people who think "music nowadays is utter shit" to decent artists with fairly big audiences, who will inevitably be listened to by the majority.

I'm not going to shovel for some starved kid from Chad's discography, made by hitting mayonnaise jars with twigs

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Ah, I forgot this is Yas Forums


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Yeah, it's not.
Literally everything on here is garbage,except the Unicorns.

>I never use Yas Forums really
Yeah we can see that

Decent artists with unique and fresh qualities in their music will become favored by indie zoomers. Are you saying we can't enjoy music because it has a mainstream audience?

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>real rock
>lame impala, the stroke, arse-tick monkeys

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Keep trying


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What would you put on it instead?

The first two were on the last list, so I thought I'd save time and use them. Any ideas to put on there instead?

Both this chart and the older one from 2012 have only made me more set in my ways. Modern music sucks.

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How the fuck am I wrong. Have you even listened to that album? He's talking about guns and niggers rising up against whitey and bitches suckin his dick. How the fuck is that special compared to every other rapper out there?

For good reason too. I forgot you faggots have your lame, unoriginal opinions

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ac/dc is actually better than all this list

I only listen to hard rock, metal, and jazz so I don't really care to list artists for any other genres.

you can just admit you're a nigger already, no need to hide it tyrone

I agree music hit it's peak in the late 20th century. The whole point of both lists is to encourage faggots like you to grow the fuck up and try find an equilibrium between liking old + new music so you don't seem like fucking idiots. It's in your favor, guy

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AC DC is the worst dad rock band fuck off.

Yeah, I like them more too. But the point is to try and encourage people who find music nowadays trash to shut the fuck up + find at least one new artist they like so they don't seem like faggot outcasters

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good thing John Dwyer is saving us from the "modern rock" of ur chart by releasing a new masterpiece from his classic band "The Oh Sees"

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I swear you're the only person I've met on Yas Forums in the last couple years to be non bias and thoughtful. Holy shit.