/hightest/ general

a thread for discussing high test music

Attached: high test.png (1891x1245, 1.3M)

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>high test

only put that in the chart so the thread will get more traction. you have to admit they're a good gateway to real high test music though

idk man I would never listen to at least half of these I if I work out

would you listen to these if you were going to murder people? yes

swans sound like an angry baby gained access to a steel drum and a megaphone

I think that the amount of self hate and pity that surrounds a person so pathetic that he attempts at taking someone's life automatically makes him unable to have high test

oh so you've never been in a war. ok

None of the people who listen to these records have ever won a street fight in their lives

joining the army soon mate, its mandatory in my country :)

have fun with your self hate and pity

t. low test

imagine having this low test holy shit. you should see a doctor buddy

i'll just be defending my people, what wars have you been in larper

Have you listened to their early records? Filth and Cop are high test as fuck and if you disagree you are just being contrarian.

never said I was in a war, so you must be projecting your own LARP.
I've killed one person who broke into my house but that's about it, I wish I could do it again.

You have to keep in mind that was the early 80s. Filth and Cop were some of the heaviest records of their time and they weren't even metal which makes it all the more impressive.

Nice projection

also consider what the 80's considered "cool" we now consider corny as hell.

Cringe thread, here's some real high test music

Attached: 1583018911878.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

low test

so you do know what im talking abut you'd just rather avoid the point...

>has to have ugly dudes screaming all the time to make him feel manlier
>hates cute girls
typical low test cope

Attached: 1583365151496.png (680x590, 192.58K)

>JG Thirlwell
>Mark Stewart
>Justin Broadrick

based, justin a qt forreal

based. I’m high test and I want to fuck his tight ass so bad


t. low test


Songs about fucking underage bitches are based and high test as fuck


cringe incel and if i replied to you more than once you're also a faggot