Is sampling an art, a legitimate part of music or just a nice word for stealing?

Is sampling an art, a legitimate part of music or just a nice word for stealing?

Attached: file.png (755x1113, 640.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

guess whos coming

>making songs out of recognizable samples
>making songs out of samples that are so heavily modified that nobody would ever suspect them or be able to recognize them with 1000 years of computer time

Sampling as done in genres like Plunderphonics and Sound Collages is legitimate music and usually treats sample as genuine pieces of sound.
Sampling as done in hip-hop is just a lazy excuse for being too talentless to create your own instrumentation and is pure and plain theft in most cases.

>white boys steal guitar riffs from lesser known bands for decades and refuse to pay bands when caught
>nobody says shit
>niggas steal catchy parts from a song and give credit/pay to artist
>ppl get mad
if u hate sampling u are racist

sample in OP wasn't recognized for over 15 years

>15 years

Sampling in general is cringe, but Shook Ones Part II is a masterpiece.
Look at this fucking shit:

He also sampled a fuckin stove!!!

producer is the one who revealed it

it's an art, but also stealing

So basically he make a beautiful piano song much more simple and added some drums on it?

Not true. It was a very obscure forum that is dedicated to nerds looking for samples.
It had been one of their holy grails ever since the foundation of the site

He turned piano into bass, my dude.

At this point I don’t know if you’re just some autistic sperglord larping or an actual black man who’s retarded


So he took a beautiful piano sequence, decreased the pitch to use it as a bass, made it much more simply by cutting like an idiot, and then put some drums over it?

Oh so you are an American or third worlder pretending

*much more simple
you simpleton

pretty sure the producer called it out originally but either way 15 years is impressive for how blatant of a sample it is

Sampling is very gangster move if you know how to make music, and usually if you do then your sampling will sound really good, so it evens itself out anyway. Copyright is for faggots but so is cuckoldry and letting someone 'steal' your song is pretty gay as well.


People on here have no problem using slsk but will get mad at producers recycling art to make more art. At least stay consistent.

Maybe it's one of those things that sounds obvious when you hear it now, but how? It's not even that different. Still cool though and I've always loved that style of hiphop production.
But it's stealing.

>piano into bass
>cutting like an idiot

You're both idiots.


It's an art, alright

Attached: unnamed.jpg (319x319, 110.63K)

For 1994, that's pretty fucking impressive.

Endtroducing is proof that it can be art

It's not art. There may be a "craft" element to it, but no it's not art. Yes, there is a difference.

RIP Prodigy
It was just The Infamous' release date anniversary

>Sampling is good and art.....BUT
That's not how things work...