Is he right or wrong?

Is he right or wrong?

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The fuck is a stan

What albums do you like, user?

Attached: 1587419419995s.jpg (250x248, 9.06K)

The opposite of your favorite albums.

Ebonics for fan


>The fuck is a stan
Browse kpop gen and you'll know


It's not ebonics retard

Eminem literally coined it and now it's mainly used by faggots who like kpop and pop music

>Coined by a wigger
So it's almost ebonics then

It's called Stan because he made a song about an obsessive fan named Stan. He didn't start going Ayyy nigga im finna stan yo ass!

Its arguable but also worth mentioning that Graduation is a 3rd tier Kanye album, whilst GRODT is 50's opus and he immediately fell off the face of the earth after it

What would you consider Kanye's opus?

Attached: earl spitting fax.gif (498x278, 922.48K)

Your life is cringe

Attached: Cringe.png (1080x1920, 477.91K)

ESL hands typed this post. It's just stalker+fan, Pedro.

It's Ebonics. They substitute sounds they can't make. That's why there's a basketball player named Anfernee instead of Anthony, "ratchet" instead of "wretched", "scrawberry" instead of "strawberry" and now we have this new "cool" word.

Not him but MBDTF is his opus

>It's just

mbdtf is overhyped, radio garbage that zoomers have nostalgic feelings towards.
the last interesting project kanye released was 808s

>nicki minaj verse om monster omg

The song Stan came in 2000, how the fuck can you be so stupid


Get Rich or Die Tryin' is better than both of those.

Stop being a contrarian for contrarians sake

50 peaked on How To Rob. His shot to shit mouth never sounded good after that.

yeah, it's not like it's my subjective taste or anything

The term was created by a white man, Eminem, as a combination of stalker and fan. It's as far from ebonics as it could possibly be. I'm amazed at how confidently you talk on a subject you clearly know nothing about.

The album received great acclaim even at the time of release, how could nostalgia affect that? What other songs on the radio sounded like Runaway, Lost in the World, or Dark Fantasy? Even the cuts that did make the radio like All of the Lights didn't sound like anything that was currently playing on the radio.

You're the one that got offended by a word, nigger. You got offended by two letters, nigger. You got triggered by me expressing my beliefs, nigger. You screenshotted my post and probably reported me, nigger. Well, guess what, nigger? I don't give a fuck if I get banned, nigger. More time for me to listen to GOOD music, not nigger rap, nigger.


white man completely removed from the black experience explains ebonics in the most jaded way possible

bet you were smirking to uourself when you typed it out whiteboi