Stupid overrated albums hate thread

Stupid overrated albums hate thread

+1 if it's liked only because of album art

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A morally bankrupt man's JPEGMAFIA

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It has some bops though


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King crimson album is annoying because everyobdy "likes it" and praise it for being something amazing while they never listen to any other stuff, this album is considered "good" just because of edgy album art

t. Yas Forumscore fag

this album is the worst ive ever heard desu

What are your favorite albums

It fucking sucks and shoegaze is for fags

>praise it for being something amazing while they never listen to any other stuff
Proof of this? I've listened to literally thousands of albums from hundreds of genres, and I still like King Crimson.

what are your favorite albums then?

1000 gecs

Umm like gybe lift your skinny fists, sonic youth debut album, maybe bad moon rising, can't really remember anything else



You're a fag
Kek I have that album on vinyl, I just like shitting on it, desu it's pretty good , I've tried listening to other KC stuff but it's a bit too experimental for me and too "ense"

Wow, so Yas Forums core? Just like King Crimson? Cool, got it.

Did Yas Forums literally just change my "desu" to desu?

>filtered by kc
Wew Lad

Wow I guess you're a real patrician then cause you listen to the most popular black metal band ever!

>he doesn't know

Congrats on outing yourself as a newfag. No wonder your taste is so shit

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Yas Forumscore is objectively awful

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Keep telling yourself that you hate anything popular, that's definitely how you get a really cool taste in music. I'm jealous that you've figured out that you should just listen to the stuff that makes you look cool.


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We already knew you had shit taste, you just confirmed you found this board yesterday

>Yas Forumscore

I don’t listen to what’s “cool” or popular, I listen to what I like and you should too. The majority of albums shilled on this board are objective trash and basing your entire taste in music on what some autistic sperglords on a cambodian turtle jousting forum think qualify for patrician taste is pathetic.

Yeah Radiohead and King Crimson and Kanye West and MBV are definitely NOT POPULAR!

You're the one who is bashing Yas Forumscore because you probably just think it's pleb shit. People listening to what they like includes listening to an album like Loveless and not crying and shitting their diaper because people on Yas Forums also like it.

Keep cherrypicking bud