/rym/ """""sonemic"""""

obligatory list:

Nu-Titans: plastictears, germanon, bloodie, Kishinev, classifriend

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks, Franssel, tramburai

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, exitsense, chumlum, hevykofe

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, dugnad, oinopa, plexure, mihr, MagaCream, Sisu, apotos, EishunK

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, hike62, anathemaddicted, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, xolotl, carburador, tide2, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, tibul, armed_snobbery, fagix

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand, cute

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metalhead Tier: asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio

"Cult of Mensa" Tier: nuhskinup, deathbymusic, origamierotica, bratty, Im_on_it, deangelolosangeles, Zlaksna

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: Selenaru_Negrea, insectdilemma, blebbio, homicide, poiret, AnimeHeck, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, MatuX20, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, XerTeX, caviarrr, AutoBlood, blessings

Fuck You Tier: Mao007, Electriclizard, ThisNameWasStolen, pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, myspaceisflat, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Sal, TriplePositive, aeroslut, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, AlRog, TriplePositive, TriplePositive again, the opressive tyrannical tranny community, MeltedFire, GonzoLewd

Attached: sonemic-512.png (512x512, 14.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I would off myself if I ever got on this list.

i overrate everything i like because fuck you



i made it :-0

ban op and rym threads

Hey friends!

>gives any iron maiden project a 5

What does "lol" mean? Lots of love? That must mean you like Maiden too! Let's be friends!

Hello, dear friends.

i was on this list but am not anymore, and my account isn't inactive/ dead. how come?

thanks for ningen isu rec

nah I think they suck

where is boldfaure

eradicate trannies

Attached: penis.gif (1000x500, 302.88K)


Not this shit again

this version is cringe and shit

Nu-Titans: plastictears, origamierotica, germanon

Aging Titans: AntiWarhol, brandonsyl, stilton, carbonado, pabanks

Fallen Titans: TheHorbgorbler, doru649, sodr1, crosshatches, sodr2, herkyjerky, fagix, exitsense, chumlum, nuhskinup

Rising Stars: junusynu, velocifish, oinopa, mihr, bratty, cute

Missed Apotheosis Tier: picha, aciid, BAYAR, tankpit, fruitfork, hevykofe, jazzthreadguy, cacespace, I0000Days, prostagma, owl_jolson, Fastro, notebooks, acid_udon, miningtown, MagaCream

Remaining Top Users: Erickson_Dear, moltenhorror, flyingwill, Franssel, hike62, jmttmnj510, Lorgnette, banjie, classifriend, Kishinev, xolotl, carburador, tide2, wqe23, anathemaddicted, 80outof1, epizootics, respirateur, Sisu, tibul

UHS Tier: sp59, lad, Zizekian, Esichio, Magicsxxxxx, Verkrah, duckstab_tenthousand

Wise Old Man Tier: Piezo, Euphemos, Grampus, Patricksmash, TheScientist, sluggo714

Metalhead Tier: Electriclizard, asadv, mishanspace, toolshed00

Creamey Tier: HalfPriceBento, Pate, iloveyou, phlg, mrminio, neverdenudesz, EishunK

Actually East Asian Tier: KareA, ckcy, shj990512, HaruyaIshizuka, ParkFish, TheVince, kaxk, purplerain, skytothelimit

Neo-RYM Tier: gay_, AnimeHeck, Jangle_Bojangle, yoozy_cutie, dzzytrll, jmarvin_orbiter, zzane, insectdilemma, MalcolmXWing, JamesCairns, MichaelKeating, doctor_frosty, kanaberal, cancherito, harakiri_, bluzz, GonzoLewd, MeltedFire, TelegraphRoad, apotos, Zed_Lamp, MetaFalls, armed_snobbery, ailurus, MatuX20, sailingedvard2, brihgt, taconelli, deathmaumau, a_toaster, ranhe, aeroslut, ModernJester, MQuestionable, savagebear, XerTeX, caviarrr, ThisNameWasStolen, SuicideByCandlelight, deathbymusic, deangelolosangeles, ToThe4th, Zlaksna, Maltbeat, /daily/ users

Fuck You Tier: pinokiwo, portraits, Vito_James, hamtrax, debtinjune, dzzytrll, greenway, TheCrystalBird, gay_, Decibelle, Montie, Sal, Hotel_Trivago, Jangle_Bojangle, Mercenarion, PyramidPostcard, yoozy_cutie, mookid, poiret, AlRog, TriplePositive, Mao007, the LGBT community



You've been successfully added to the Fuck You Tier. The number one spot all for you. Now everybody can see what kind of no taste having piece of shit faggot retard asshole you really are. Save your meme tears and go listen to your entry-level Noise Rock.


Lmao of course oinopa is on here

Getting better

/RYM/ is leaking. Why are some of you so autistic in your cyberstalking of serialjune, mensa, and bratty that you even make collages of their favorite albums your bandcamp profile picture?

This is one of the people spamming these threads even though no one cares about them. He also spammed Antiwarhol and Bratty threads for months. He also posts about Oinopa.

It's funny because no one would care about them if they didn't get posted here. Imagine being so influenced by Yas Forums and wanting to be in on le funny maymay inside jokes, all to impress strangers. Genuinely autistic.

Attached: munk.png (673x299, 203.59K)

Holy shit this is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen from these threads


Who do I drone for jungle music?

Attached: 1584132319011.png (521x537, 162.39K)

Yea I don't understand it at all. Why obsess over strangers and post about them every day and gossip about them?
And here, to prove I didn't edit anything since people are rightfully demanding proof lately: web.archive.org/web/20200429182128/https://bandcamp.com/ebmunkisdumbha

I don't know this nigga but I hope mensa, serialjune, antiwarhol, bratty, and oinopa see this so they can all know that only a small amount of autists are posting them


got this for u chief

best posts itt