Thoughts on Joji?
The Man Who's Slow Dancing in the Dark
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Teenage girl music.
he looks like that guy from grizzly bear
you know which one
The filth is gone
Boring music for teenage girls. BUT I'm glad he made it
"lo fi beats to listen to..." borecore
imo the 2nd most unbearable personality in music right behind the weeknd
He's pretty cringy desu. No amount of hypebeast asian fanboys can ever change that
Man, talking about Pink Guy's music tho...
Deserves to hang through exposing everyone to 'filthy frank' waaaa he didn't want to do it
Yet he still did. Can't run away from your past your stupid cunt
garbage artist and person.
caaaaaaaaaan somebody giv me the pusi pls
I like him as a person but his Joji music is mid, it's just too slow and gay. FF was a beautiful thing but I think one day he just had an epiphany and realised that he needed a limit for his depravity or else he'd get PTSD.
A faggot
He makes shit music, only reason he's popular is because all the edgy teenagers went from liking idubbz and filthydumbass to "smoke some weed bro it's so chill bro omg you gotta check out this beat bro"
His music will never be as enjoyable as filthy frank
His music is terrible. There's nothing special about it, it's just dime a dozen shitty genre-bending sad alt RnB. Terrible lyricist, offensively bad even. I could write him the lyrics for an album in half an hour.
music for 14 year olds who think they are deep
he's shite
should've stuck to edgy lolrandom xd "humor" on YT
The early to mid stuff of Joji's career was good. Chloe Burbank, Demons, Slow Dancing, etc
However, his latest few songs are indistinguishable from generic hip hop/pop
Why’s he so sad, bro’s?
I miss him bros
why did he have to sell out
Holy based
I love Pink Guy's music
And I miss the good old Filthy Frank (aka Papa Franku)
Until in 2017 he is no more to become filth, and he's make serious lofi music
Just to slow dance in the dark
Joji seems like the type of guy to have rare vinyls of Frank Ocean and Kids See Ghosts. He also seems like he would like one or two Yas Forumscore albums, but doesn't really listen to them ever.
this. ever since 88rising, he completely dropped off.
"Can't run away from your past, you stupid cunt!"
>t. FF fan
He is a faggot
these are the zoomers you're arguing with
Not a fan.
Boring, bland, basic bitch music for egirls and faggots who have a shit taste
This is mostly directed at my friend, fuck you; listening to Lil Uzi, Joji, Arctic Monkeys and Two Door Cinema Club means you have the same taste as a teenage girl, fuck you fuck you fuck
Potential but he really lacks. Last three singles were good
cringy contemporary rnb mid but he's improving